Bug or my mistake? - Post ID 301831

User 3144608 Photo

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22 posts

I've attached screen shots showing the problem and the design. The right-header section appears to be taking a frame by itself and pushing the right-area to the right... but in the grid editor I've clearly got them in same column, and inspector clearly shows the areas where they should be in the container for the grid. Any idea what's going on?
User 122279 Photo

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It is hard to understand your grid with just those screenshots. Has the grid got a width? The unit 'fr' doesn't know what it has available to play with if there is no width setting.

It would be much easier to provide some meaningful help if you could let us see your project file. We need to see the CSS properties given to the various parts. And please don't reply by just sending us a screenshot of the 'main.css'. Then we would have to try piecing your page together ourselves to be able to visualize it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 3144608 Photo

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Hi, Inger. I'm happy to attach my site designer file, I just didn't want to overload people. Thanks for your willingness to dig deeper for me! I guess I thought the whole idea of frames was so things were responsive across multiple sizes and didn't have to care about specific widths. You raise a good point, though... these things lay out great at sizes less than 1024. I'm using a mobile-up template. I don't see what changes at 1024 that suddenly causes things to get screwy. The nav area suddenly gets a back frame around it too!?!
User 2699991 Photo

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Brian Proffit wrote:
Hi, Inger. I'm happy to attach my site designer file, I just didn't want to overload people. Thanks for your willingness to dig deeper for me! I guess I thought the whole idea of frames was so things were responsive across multiple sizes and didn't have to care about specific widths. You raise a good point, though... these things lay out great at sizes less than 1024. I'm using a mobile-up template. I don't see what changes at 1024 that suddenly causes things to get screwy. The nav area suddenly gets a back frame around it too!?!

Just an idea perhapa it changes from colums to rows, or visa versa
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User 379556 Photo

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The container "form-right-area" above the highest breakpoint in Styles > Grid and Flexbox Layout > Name box show as 'state'. I think it needs changing to 'right-area'.

User 3144608 Photo

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Frank Cook wrote:
The container "form-right-area" above the highest breakpoint in Styles > Grid and Flexbox Layout > Name box show as 'state'. I think it needs changing to 'right-area'.


Wow, great catch, Frank!!!!!!!!!! That definitely gets me a step closer.
User 122279 Photo

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Frank found the 'bug' that let the actual form drop down below the frame it was supposed to be sitting in. Now after having seen the whole picture of your fairly complex grid system, there would have been no way to understand this by just looking at those screenshots.
I asked about the width last night because, based on the screenshots, I thought there was not room enough for the elements I saw to fit beside each other, and therefore one of them had to go down on the next 'line'. It's always better to submit the project file, especially when you have grids inside grids inside grids.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 3144608 Photo

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I'll remember that, Inger. I'm sorry if I somehow upset you.
User 122279 Photo

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You did not upset me. I only wanted to explain why screenshots in many cases are not enough to explain a problem.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

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