container for multiple images to...

User 2924830 Photo

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191 posts

Hi Inger,
just a feedback - the different ID naming of the 2 main-container didn't help. Additional ID names to the lightbox-wrapper didn't help - different class names to the lightbox wrapper didn't help. Sorry. I wonder why Frank's sample works so fine.
User 379556 Photo

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1,573 posts

Hi Michael.

The project file (.rsd) in my previous post ( ) has three pages, s01.html, s02.html, and s03.html. I suggest that you add those three pages to your website with those names as they are referenced in the iframes.

It will be simple to do. Just make and save as a component the whole-page container from my project file's page s01.html. Then create three blank pages, naming them s01.html, s02.html, and s03.html, and insert the saved component into each of those pages.

The images from my exported project file are probably best temporarily added to your project file so that you can see the thing working, before you then switch your own images for them.

To make the slide sets fit into a half-width column, just change the dimensions of the HTML elements to width:50vw and height 36.5vw. They should still work, as you will see if you try it in my project file.

User 2924830 Photo

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191 posts

Hi Frank, I'm really an amateur - Now I can rebuild your idea - (it's far from my understanding) - and I'm starting towards handling it ... I'd like to put something into your coffe cup - please send me your paypal adress ...
User 379556 Photo

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Hi Michael.

Knowing that you're experimenting with my idea is more than sufficient reward. I am just a fellow amateur.

As you will have discovered, the concept is very simple: just putting each 'slide set' on a page by itself, and then displaying in iframes on another page the contents of the individual 'slide set' pages.

User 2924830 Photo

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191 posts

It took me hours to understand the concept. Really tricky. Only after I found the word "placeholder" I started to understand. I'm more the simple guy = Wysiwyg - There is one more riddle: where can I find and modify the text - under the pictures. I'm searching and sarching...
User 379556 Photo

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Mich ael wrote:
... There is one more riddle: where can I find and modify the text - under the pictures. ...

Each picture link element has a title, and Inger's component shows that title automatically under the pictures.

Modifying it is done in the Element panel of the picture link element. The Title box is there.

User 2924830 Photo

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191 posts

Whow, got it. This one is really, really ... Thanks
User 187934 Photo

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Very nice Frank.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2924830 Photo

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191 posts

Hi Frank, sorry to bother you again

Your instruction was great and I could build the good working html pages – but I rejoiced too soon
As soon as i add the lightbox construction to my grid i am lost.
I've been brooding for hours and now I'm running out of time. It would be great if you could take a look at it. The rsd file is here:. … UNXHGzLEgy

see index page - In mobile mode I have 2 rows = one below the other = The lightbox slider and a text container. The whole thing is a grid.
In handy mode = 2 rows
in desktop mode it becomes 2 columns.
But in the browser preview the distance between the containers of the html pages is too big. (in canvas preview everything is fine – in browser preview its different = wrong).
Also, just after the breakpoint from handy to desktop (still in the index page), there is a resizing that I can't find the cause of - only a little further behind the breakpoint comes the size that is wanted.

It would also be interesting: is there another way to build something like this (wysiwyg instead of html).
User 2699991 Photo

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Mich ael wrote:
Hi Frank, sorry to bother you again

Your instruction was great and I could build the good working html pages – but I rejoiced too soon
As soon as i add the lightbox construction to my grid i am lost.
I've been brooding for hours and now I'm running out of time. It would be great if you could take a look at it. The rsd file is here:. … UNXHGzLEgy

see index page - In mobile mode I have 2 rows = one below the other = The lightbox slider and a text container. The whole thing is a grid.
In handy mode = 2 rows
in desktop mode it becomes 2 columns.
But in the browser preview the distance between the containers of the html pages is too big. (in canvas preview everything is fine – in browser preview its different = wrong).
Also, just after the breakpoint from handy to desktop (still in the index page), there is a resizing that I can't find the cause of - only a little further behind the breakpoint comes the size that is wanted.

It would also be interesting: is there another way to build something like this (wysiwyg instead of Ifhtml).

If you were to use foundation framework easy peasy lemon squeezy

The magical 'ORBIT' would do the job magnificently
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