Hi Steve
Nope for me foundation is the No1 for versatility, however, should CC ever get the update to vanilla CSS/JS etc, then that would start to become a strong contender (or if Zurb ever get their act together again and get their CSS/JS updated, then oh boy.
It's so versatile that one can even start from desktop down for basic layouts (which some people prefer) (sort of a bit messy, but works to begin.
Frameworkless is good and can be great if you have more than a smattering of vanilla coding knowledge for CSS/JS
because you can always insert custom code (which has the obvious drawback of not being able to see the way it works unless one uses "PREVIEW ON" which sort of defeats the object of having a WYSIWYG type of thingy.
Bootstrap is reasonably upto date, but then its Bootstrap hmmmm
Materialize is so out of date it should have a heath warning, "use at your own risk"
Well thats my tuppence worth I am sure there will be others with different viewpoints.