Font icon links not displaying...

User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

After latest SD3 update (2879), font icon links at header of pages display correctly with the exception of the index (home) page. Specifically and in my case, the Facebook and Mail icons show up in browser as YouTube and Google+. I've deleted and added them again, but same issue. I've copied container from pages where they display properly and pasted, but still they show up wrong in browser on index page only. Here's the site:

The links to Facebook and Mail Contact form still work, however.
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Actually, both the Twitter and Facebook icons display as something other, i.e. YouTube and RSS. Same at other index page locations. The Mail icon is Google+
User 2903050 Photo

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I believe they have changed the icon pack in the new update.
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Hi Phil. Thanks for input. Yes, I am aware of the change. The font icons I am using however, are still available in the latest update. They actually display correctly on all the other pages, but not the index (Home) page. In other words, if I choose the "facebook2" icon, the element shows up as such in SD3 and on the actual page, but when viewed in browser (e.g. MS Bing) the icons switch to those I state above ONLY on index page. Their appropriate links however, still work and take you to FB or Twitter, etc.
User 122279 Photo

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I see that the code for the soc.icons on the index and visit pages are identical. Also the ones in the footer. Still they display differently. Haven't seen anything like that before.
You may have tried deleting the icons and adding them back in. Try it again with saving the project when they are gone, closing it, then reopening it and adding them back in.
You may have tried opening one of the other pages, cleated a component of those icon links and saved it, then inserted it into the index page.
If nothing else works, I recommend asking CC support.

Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Thanks Inger. No go however, on the deleting > saving > reopen > adding back in. I'm at a loss. The odd thing is that I recently deleted the font icons of facebook and twitter, and used the "social icon" element, and it works, maintaining the proper icon display. I might have to just redo all the headers and footers using the social icon element. I was trying to keep to the font icons for uniformity sake. Still, this seems to be a bug of sorts with the latest SD3 update (2879).
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Might have to uninstall SD and reinstall.
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Even the icon for button link is not displaying correctly. Okay, think I'm going to do a reinstall.
User 2147473 Photo

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156 posts

Okay. Uninstalled SD3 build 2879, restarted system, reinstalled SD3 2879 and still same problem. I will have to do the work-around mentioned above...using "social icon" links in place of "font icon links."
User 122279 Photo

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One more thing, takes a bit but...:
Find one of the pages that has the correct social thingies, and duplicate that page. call it 'index2 or something. Delete all the contents that you don't need on the index page, and rebuild it, by popping in the necessary containers and copy/paste the contents from the current index. Then, when done, delete the faulty index and rename the new one.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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