Non Breaking space - Post ID 301168

User 379556 Photo

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The matter is being referred to the developer, and I'll be advised whether the feature can be re-instated.

User 379556 Photo

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I've not received any further progress reports on this yet, but I did find and report the 'fix' that seems to have caused the loss of the facility. It's mentioned in Suzanne's changelog of Jun 8th, 2018 at 09:30 AM which says in the next-to-last bullet point, "Squashed some bugs. This includes ... pasting code into the Text Editor not displaying as plain text."

User 3037646 Photo

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Thanks for the explanation Frank!
I assume you are aware that preventing text from wrapping can make sections invisible (placed outside of the viewport and only visible following a horizontal scroll). However, if correctly understand what you want to pull off, adding a 'no-wrap' option for selected texts to the editor would probably be the proper solution here. Would that work for you? :P

It's not a use case we have run across and I would love to hear about this need from others.[/quote]

I'm completely new to Site Designer and am missing a no-wrap or   function as well.

In the webpages, I have designed so far, I made heavy use of   to avoid one word sitting alone in the lines at the end of a paragraph.

Thus, I really look forward to a solution for this in Site Designer.

Thank you very much in advance!
User 2699991 Photo

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Thomas Apfel wrote:

Thanks for the explanation Frank!

I assume you are aware that you are replying to a post dated 2018
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User 379556 Photo

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Thomas Apfel wrote:
... I'm completely new to Site Designer and am missing a no-wrap or   function as well.

I have solved the issue by using the Content Code panel.

For example I make and style a paragraph in the normal way, including such changes for individual words or phrases using Edit Mode. After finishing in Edit Mode I right click on the paragraph and choose 'Copy Element HTML', and paste into the Content Code box, where I edit it as follows.
(a) I remove the opening and closing paragraph tags.
(b) I edit what remains with special items I want,   or any other special codes.

After saving that edit, using 'Preview on...' reveals all is how it was intended.

User 3037646 Photo

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9 posts

Frank Cook wrote:
Thomas Apfel wrote:
... I'm completely new to Site Designer and am missing a no-wrap or   function as well.

I have solved the issue by using the Content Code panel.

For example I make and style a paragraph in the normal way, including such changes for individual words or phrases using Edit Mode. After finishing in Edit Mode I right click on the paragraph and choose 'Copy Element HTML', and paste into the Content Code box, where I edit it as follows.
(a) I remove the opening and closing paragraph tags.
(b) I edit what remains with special items I want,   or any other special codes.

After saving that edit, using 'Preview on...' reveals all is how it was intended.


Thanks a lot Frank,

I tried this workaround … and it works!

However, it would still be nice to have an easier way to add special characters in a future version of Site Designer.

Kind regards

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