Problems uploading site to my domain;...

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Wayan Jaya wrote:
Maz wrote:

Picture container as found in Media - see attached image...


That's not a container that's just an image

Aha thanks - but the thing is, when I use that, the image is displayed on my website when I upload it.
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Hi Hans,

Thank you for your involvement.

You've said that you'll be opening a support ticket but I can't see how to find that and I don't want to create a new post if you've already started a thread somewhere.

I can see MY SUPPORT ROOM and the section where I can create a new RSD thread; should I create a thread or can you direct me to this if already done?

Thanks, Maz
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Maz wrote:
Wayan Jaya wrote:
Maz wrote:

Picture container as found in Media - see attached image...


As I have said before background images for container need CSS to display, and seeing as you are either not uploading the CSS or js files properly or are uploading them to the wrong location whatever the reason, without CSS they will not display.
That's not a container that's just an image

Aha thanks - but the thing is, when I use that, the image is displayed on my website when I upload it.
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Hi again Maz,
You might as well just create a ticket and ask, and you'll either get a reply from Hans, or from a sweet young lady named Suzanne.

But before you do:
I heard that what had us all stumped was that you must have changed the folder structure from 'flat' to 'modular'. That is done in Actions -> Settings. Switch that back to 'flat', then you will get the folder structure we are used to seeing. Actually, I think the reason why it didn't ring any bell must have been because nobody ever uses modular AFAIK, and nobody seems to know what it does. Well, you may say, NOW we know. ;) It is not 'wrong' to use modular, but we don't know everything about BigSur yet...
I don't know if setting the folder structure back to 'flat' will solve your uploading issues, but it's worth trying. And also, use more foreground images instead of background ones, if that seems to help. ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2929204 Photo

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Thanks for that!

What's happened now after going from modular to flat is that I have a JS folder and a CSS folder.

I uploaded the site to which is where it will eventually be located, and I still get the same results where it's just text and no images.

BTW, I don't know how to add foreground images, only background images. I can't work out how this is done. Someone in a previous post mentioned something about the ELEMENTS panel but I couldn't figure it out :(

So, I have the folders but not the images. I do have an FTP option for this domain so I'll playing around with that.

Thank you very much... I feel we're getting somewhere now.

I'm also going to update my support query that Hans and co who are looking into this.

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The foreground images are created using that element that you called an image container. It is actually just a default image dummy, a replacement for the real image. Don't worry so much about the dimensions on those dummies, when you replace it with the real image, the image will display the shape of it. Just be aware, that images are initially given a max-width of 200px, so you need to change it to what you want to have.

I cannot stop thinking about the fact that your images, as background images don't get displayed. Have you checked if they actually get uploaded? And if the main.css gets uploaded? If you have a fresh upload now, could you post the URL, please?

Edit: I read you post again and found the address, so I opened it. It is the same as before, although the folder structure is now the way we prefer. But the result is exactly the same as before. I had a look at your main.css, it contains something that looks like the HTML for a 'Not found' page, the css styles which should have been there are non-existent.
I also tried to search for some of the images which you have in the 'images' folder, they are not there, the folder itself is also not there. Do compare it with what you have in the _exported folder on your machine, see if you actually have the images folder with the images, and open the main.css (in the css folder) and check what the contents of it is. This is what I find in your online main.css:

<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>
<p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p>

and that is all wrong. I cannot post an attachment to this post, but I'll make another, showing what the main.css should be containing.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 2929204 Photo

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I am pretty certain they get uploaded because I have the images folder being uploaded each time.

The freshest upload is now located on its eventual domain once it works -

In that upload, I have the js and css folders (after changing to 'flat'), but still, no images are being displayed.
User 2929204 Photo

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the images folder uploads but images are not displayed...

attached is a 'view' of my images folder.
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OK, you posted while I was editing my post. I see you have the images uploaded, but they are not where the index file is expecting them to be. Your screenshot must be from the modular system, because it seems that the images are inside the framework folder, which a flat system doesn't have.

As I said in the edited part of my previous post, I'm attaching the main.css as it should be. Unzip it and make sure to create a backup copy of it, that you keep separated from the website project, and then place it in the css folder. I would have liked to know where your original main.css gets mangled...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 379556 Photo

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Maz wrote:
The steps I took were;

I exported my website to a folder.
I then uploaded it using the control panel of my hosting provider.
The files all uploaded successfully, including the images.

Please forgive my wondering whether some simple misunderstanding has occurred. The first post included the quote above, but it is not clear to me that everything was uploaded.

When one exports to a local hard drive, as mentioned in the first step of the quote, one gets a folder with a name ending '_exported'. All the contents of that folder, including all the subfolders (without changing the position of any of the files or subfolders) should be uploaded. That may well have occurred, but it is not clear to me from the words used that it actually did.

The fact that some images were seen when the website was viewed in Safari may perhaps mean that the browser was picking up the images directly from the hard drive and not from what was uploaded.

Again, please forgive my wondering whether the problem might relate to a simple misunderstanding when perhaps it really is some complex issue way beyond my understanding. It's just that I know that most of my web problems have resulted from simple misunderstandings rather than from complex matters.


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