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User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts

I mentioned that several times to her. I have since given her the web site to manage. We had traded services and it just got to a point where we had both gotten what we each needed. Setting up her web site was one of those things. Her grown children are getting into marketing and I am sure that web design is one of their courses, so I think it will all change. I guess I'll let the reasons why the cell phone size didn't work and move on to the next web site. I agree with you whole heartedly Inger.
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,101 posts

Its been a while since I shared a site with you guys. Here is a couple I converted from VSD using RSD.

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts

both those sites look really good!
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 2799013 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

I've redone my site (and i missed the comment below on the header size for an iphone- I'll revisit that on the next site-edit, thanks!), I had wanted to add a photo slider, but unfortunately it didn't go right and things kept crashing. Anyway, the site is rebuilt with some changes from earlier and I'd like some comments on how it looks on different screens, or how it looks for layout/design etc. I don't have an iphone, but it seems good on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and iPad so far. Thanks! :)
User 400908 Photo

Registered User
67 posts -- looks good and I like it!
Isabel Smith
Isabel Smith Art and Design
Web and Graphic Design, Illustration and Calligraphy, Pet Paintings too!
User 29283 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

JMM, this is my first post here. I, too, wanted to use a photo slider on my new RSD site and was able to do so without too much trouble. The trick is that you have to insert the code generated by the RCS software into the head portion of the HTML but you cannot do that in RSD. I used CC's HTML Editor to modify the RSD-generated pages by inserting that code. It worked and I was able to put two photo sliders on two different pages without any trouble. Here is a link to my first RSD site: Bob Philo
User 509350 Photo

Registered User
18 posts

I have remade my old website with Responsive Site Designer and Menu Builder. Thanks to the help from Scott, he directed me to a cool site to help me make my YouTube videos responsive, . The site looks good, it needs a few tweaks.
User 450830 Photo

Registered User
148 posts

I'm a design to do with RSD BETA flexbox. This design is not yet finished but there is fexbox in processable.

The next thing nice is the menu is made without a script or other complicated things and goes on to a mobile menu, sit things simple in RSD. The only thing that is not in RSD is that the menu by scrolling meu get fixed properly zotdat it stays on top.

see the draft (it is not finished yet)

Ger van Veen
User 2273654 Photo

Registered User
767 posts

Ger Van Veen, You are always on the cutting edge of new design function testing releases. Your sites are always dazzlingly spectacular. I always look forward to your next release. I love the clouds. Thank you for your posts.
My CC S-drive site
User 336851 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

Yippee, my 2nd page created with RSD, 1st one made from scratch AND using RSD Beta with Flex (scary working without a template BUT the Force was still with me thanks to my beloved RSD!). The goal was simply to be legible on portable devices (which I do not own) because the page being replaced was NOT viewable on any small screen.
new version
old sucky page
It's far from perfect but after downloading Chrome, updating IE to 11 for my Win 7 system & updating Opera, I think I'm done tweaking it. I also had to learn how to use Zeeblio to create my Email Contact page in my Lycos/Tripod domain account, so I was dealing with learning curves no matter what I worked on this week! More pages to redesign & become more fluent with RSD before I come back and add any bells or whistles to this one.

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