Yippee, my 2nd page created with RSD, 1st one made from scratch AND using RSD Beta with Flex (scary working without a template BUT the Force was still with me thanks to my beloved
RSD!). The goal was simply to be legible on portable devices
(which I do not own) because the page being replaced was NOT viewable on any small screen.
new version http://karen.delpellegrino.com/
old sucky page http://delpellegrino.com/Karen/index-safety011416.html
It's far from perfect but after downloading Chrome, updating IE to 11 for my Win 7 system & updating Opera, I think I'm done tweaking it. I also had to learn how to use Zeeblio to create my Email Contact page in my Lycos/Tripod domain account, so I was dealing with learning curves no matter what I worked on this week! More pages to redesign & become more fluent with RSD before I come back and add any bells or whistles to this one.