Site Designer Change Logs - Post ID...

User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts


Site Designer 3.0.2869 is now available! The highlights in this version include:
  • Some adjustments were made to the Page Manager. This includes tweaks to allow pages be re-named with numerical characters.
  • The Page Manager also now includes a setting for global items. You can share values, such as description, keywords, favicon, between pages. For example, if you want your favicon to be the same on all pages, check the box to apply it globally.
  • Performance improvements on large projects. Loads much faster!
  • Frameworks have been updated to: Foundation v6.5.1, Bootstrap v4.1.3, and Materialize 1.0.0 (final release)
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User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Hello Friends!

Site Designer 3.0.2879 is now available for download. The highlights for this version include:
  • Added breakpoint tooltips with current pixel position. This allows you to quickly see what is the position of its breakpoint by just hovering the dot in the breakpoints bar. 
  • Corrected an Issue when upgrading from 2.5 with elements using class `small-xxx`.
  • Tweaked the Rocket Theme for Foundation.
  • Updated CoffeeCup Font Icons (includes the Icomoon ultimate set).

Have a great day!
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings Everyone!

We have some good news for you this Friday. Responsive Site Designer 3.5 build 2939 is now live and ready for download.

Lots of cool stuff has been added to the interface to help simplify your workflow and make it easier to interact with the canvas. Enjoy fresh icons, an updated toolbar that matches the framework, CSS selector gages, plus clearer element indicators. Both Bootstrap frameworks also got upgraded to v4.3.0 and v3.4.1. The adjustments are vast but here are the highlights...

A smarter viewport slider and breakpoint bar.
The viewport slider and breakpoint bar have been tweaked for better visibility. The slider will light up to indicate which breakpoint area you are designing for.

The breakpoints themselves are more defined with an arrow shape directing mobile first or desktop down workflows. You can also switch the viewport measurements. Click the current breakpoints measure indicator to toggle between PX and EM.

Quickly add and replace images.
Directly from the canvas you can now manage your image resource. Simply double click the Picture element to launch the resources dialog and swap out the placeholder.

A few people reported the Undo/Redo action was going haywire when replacing images. So we also stomped out this small bug while we added the image UI feature.

Inspector filter with search functionality.
Locate a class or element fast by keying in the term into the search. The app will bring up all the items that are a match and will highlight them on the canvas.

Cool double-click actions when working with components.
Double click an item from the Components Dialog to automatically add the item to your project. You can also hit that mouse twice on an existing category when importing a component. We also included some handy right-click actions to the element tree as well.

Handy CSS Grid layout elements.
Quickly add common layouts, two, three, and four column structures. These elements are made up of nested containers preconfigured to expand and stack when the screen size allows. A CSS Grid control will appear upon hover so you can launch the grid editor fast.

Adjustment to the Text Editor.
As reported, the text editor seemed to no longer allow for highlight selections or jump to points. We fixed this up so you can work with your text easier.

Important note for macOS users.
Please be aware that this version has a new name. Now it is prefixed with 'CoffeeCup' this way all of our apps are grouped together. Therefore you might need to remove the old `Site Designer` to ensure the new one 'CoffeeCup Site Designer' is always used.

Hope you enjoy the release everyone. Have a great day! :)
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings CoffeeCup Fans! Quick note to let you know that Site Designer 3.5.2962 is now live!

I apologize I failed to get the change logs for build 2956 up here for you, so this list will be a bit longer as it will include the changes for both versions. :)
  • Full preview now available within app. All custom code, effects and framework interactions are live in the app! Awesome!
  • We removed the sharing components limitations. Now everyone can share created components freely.
  • Handy ‘Collapse/Expand All’ buttons on Inspector were added to manages the nodes quicker. For example, you can collapse them all and go in the hierarchy opening what you need or to check a specific element you want to find.
  • Made some adjustments so you can select CSS files from Resources
  • Cleaned up wireframe styles that were conflicting with the Bootstrap frameworks.
  • Fixed a couple of issues with HTML elements and Symbols on multiple pages.
  • Improved Coffeegrinder (v1.5) conversions when opened within v3.5.
  • Changed default button selected on some confirm dialogs to avoid unwanted actions.
  • Seems the ‘Out of View’ control got out of whack and was not doing what it was programmed to so. We fixed that setting up.
  • Ensured the Navigation Tree is visible when the zoom control is active.
  • We made some adjustments so that the Components/Symbols Preview exactly match the element.
  • Resolved an issue with multiple Support Queries on a Breakpoint.
  • Updated the link to the theme shop to direct to the latest collection.

Have a wonderful day! :)
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Site Designer 3.5.2979 is ready for download. This latest build includes:
  • New Framework based Layout Elements. These are a group of elements preconfigured with a basic row and column layout structure.
  • Pre-installed themes within the Theme Chooser
  • Added ‘Object-Position’ controls to HTML5 Video element. This way you can create effects similar to the one in the Site Designer product page.
  • Tweaked the Text Edit open mode that was causing a jump on the canvas.
  • Fixed up an issue where the Resources would go haywire and be lost.
  • Allow empty columns to display within Materialize projects after a CoffeeGinder project is transformed.

Enjoy! :)
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

It’s Here! Unleashing Site Designer V4 build 3054

We listened to everyone’s feedback and gave the app a complete makeover to help improve your workflow.

The new Device Mode. Preview your work across several popular devices and screen sizes. Toggle between portrait and landscape mode or enter custom dimensions.

Export an element to CodePen. You’ll be able to view, share, and tinker with the HTML/CSS through the app. Simply right-click on any element to launch CodePen.

Among the many UI improvements and additions you’ll also find:
  • New 'Download' button element to immediately download pdfs, images, etc...
  • Keep recently opened projects for quick access.
  • Automatically activate a page when setting its properties.
  • We fixed one of the mysterious disappearing panel (spooky).
  • Adjusted the Grid Editor to work faster when switching breakpoints.
  • More HTML5 audio and video file types are supported (m4a, webm, wav, m4v, ogv, ogm and many more).
  • Right-click added on bottom navigation to quickly trigger actions.
  • Rearrange elements on the Elements Tree using your keyboard.
  • See layout classes on the Element Inspector to instantly see your row/column setup.
  • Plus tons of miscellaneous performance enhancements and minor bug fixes.

Upgrades are free if you have purchased within the past 12 months. Otherwise, a discounted upgrade offer has been sent your way in today's newsletter. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a message.

We hope you enjoy it!
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Good day! Site Designer 4.0.3069 is now live and ready for download!

The highlights in this build include:
  • Configured the Typography panel to display the most recent font used. This way, fonts used on the project will be on the top part of the fonts drop-down, so you can quickly select them without searching again.
  • Tweaked hard to click Page Manager footer buttons, fixing text that was overlapping on the buttons.
  • Adjusted an issue with the wireframe where the row class appeared single-quoted. That caused the selector to be invalid, and therefore the row class to have the default margins. Good catch on this, René!
  • Fixed the handler next to the canvas to ensure it is always in view.
  • Added bullet design controls for Materialize's Unordered List elements.
  • Plus some other minor tweaks and adjustments.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Happy Friday!

Site Designer 4.0.3071 is available for download.

This new version includes a helper to make it easier to show and style the hidden slides. This is especially handy when using our latest tutorial for building a Foundation CSS Orbit Gallery.

Have a fabulous day! :)
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings Everyone! The big news of the days is that Site Designer 4.0.3113 is now live!

You’ll be excited to hear that this new build includes pre-built Components!
These items can be inserted into your project and customized to your specific needs. Simply click on the Components icon at the top to browse the collection.

The new build 3113 also features:
  • A new Background Video element.
  • An adjusted Paypal Button was missing the font controls
  • A fix to the URL parameter on the Social Icon Facebook sharer control
  • We adjusted the Materialize parallax feature as it was distorting images on lower breakpoints.

Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Greetings and salutations!

The Site Designer 4.0.3196 is now available for download. In this version, the main new features and fixes include:
  • Improved the application “lagginess” as reported in the forums. Thanks everyone for helping us narrow it down!
  • Adjusted the jumpiness that was occurring on Elements Tree.
  • Fixed the row/column gaps on Display > Grid that were not getting applied value.
  • Tweaked the Page Manager text fields to resolve a reported issue with the fields going blank.

Have a great day! :)
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.

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