Suggestions for Responsive Site...

User 103173 Photo

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Twinstream wrote:
Have the RSD logo in top left of RSD 2.0 change to BS logo (or add) and also for FF too. Since I have all three programs, I would like something visual to indicate what framework I am in.

Don't forget you can also go to the Layout pane and it will show the framework you are using
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 418470 Photo

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I notice RSD v2 is missing the breadcrumb style component structure in the LAYOUT tab. I want this ability to move backwards from container to column to row to grid while in the LAYOUT tab without having to return to the design tab and hope I pick the right element.
I should have something clever to say... but I don't.
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Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 10077 Photo

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In addition to the Design Pane, add buttons to delete rows and columns to the Layout Pane.

Add the "reveal hidden breakpoints" to the Design Pane. Keep it in the Inspector Pane too. These are the two places it is used most IMO.
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User 122279 Photo

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Make it possible to drag the tools panel apart. By that I mean enable us to see the inspector and the design pane at the same time.

Then let us please decide ourselves when the tools panel is to scroll up to the top. We may need to compare details through a couple of pages, and if those details are 'below the fold', it's a hassle having to scroll down again for each page or each instance of an element we want to check. We can move the tools panel manually.

The element name of the one being edited should appear so that it is visible also when we scroll down. Place it on the ribbon with the various icons for pages, upload, preview etc, (possibly in the colour of the grid system being used).

Please let us be able to lock, or 'group' elements, so that they can't so easily be moved out of place by accident.

I think that someone already has mentioned the need to identify which row, column, div etc we are on when checking the inspector panel. Some kind of naming would be a very good thing, especially since we at present are not able to see the inspector and design panes at the same time.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 473299 Photo

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It would be nice if RSD opens automatically with the last project, now I have to click away all popups and reopen my project again, with also popups. Maybe the breakpoint popup could just be an alarm symbol somewhere on the screen, because it is always interesting to know, not only at the beginning and so you can skip the need to click it away each time, or even better, open you last project with the latest position on the breakpoint bar.
User 250413 Photo

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Madmix wrote:
I would like to have the options to insert and edit CSS and HTML manually as addition. If I am not wrong, recently CSS-View in RSD is "view-only" and the HTML can only be inserted as element - particular. I would appreciate an editor mode for both (CSS and HTML) for the complete page.

Upvote! Love the RSD 2 Trial - could see using this as a primary web tool with the ability to View Source and add/edit CSS and HTML in the respective areas. Would cut development time down noticeably.
User 2180751 Photo

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BIll G wrote:
Scott King wrote:
it would be great to be able to add atributes to a link. at the minute i can add atributes to buttons and list items etc. but not directly to the anchor. It would be nice to have this for bootstrap style menus with dropdowns.

You should take this issue to the forums as a discussion. I am able to add data attributes in Bootstrap themes to all the links. In the Design Pane, under elements, there is the "Attribute" section, by default it is closed, you need to click the arrow to open it up. Then you select the element then click in the attribute menu to start adding those items.

Hi bill, i can change the attributes for a list item but wasnt able to change the attributes for a link itself, i wrote it out in the html and everything works fine now but to use a dropdown menu i had to be able to edit the list attribute and the link attribute like this:
<li class="nav-item btn-group">
<a class="dropdown-toggle nav-link" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
i was unable to add a attribute to the anchor class directly.
User 468899 Photo

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Minor Issue with RSD V2 Beta build 2019. I'm on OSX 10.12.3

When I open the Color Palette Manager for the first time within RSD, it opens up with the bottom of the window (i.e. buttons etc) behind the dock. Of course it's easy to drag the window up but would be better if it opened within the main RSD window.

Otherwise having fun learning and playing!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Graham Wiseman wrote:
Minor Issue with RSD V2 Beta build 2019. I'm on OSX 10.12.3

When I open the Color Palette Manager for the first time within RSD, it opens up with the bottom of the window (i.e. buttons etc) behind the dock. Of course it's easy to drag the window up but would be better if it opened within the main RSD window.

Otherwise having fun learning and playing!

We have that annoyance logged as well. Will get that one addressed in one of the upcoming releases. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.

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