Make it possible to drag the tools panel apart. By that I mean enable us to see the inspector and the design pane at the same time.
Then let us please decide ourselves when the tools panel is to scroll up to the top. We may need to compare details through a couple of pages, and if those details are 'below the fold', it's a hassle having to scroll down again for each page or each instance of an element we want to check. We can move the tools panel manually.
The element name of the one being edited should appear so that it is visible also when we scroll down. Place it on the ribbon with the various icons for pages, upload, preview etc, (possibly in the colour of the grid system being used).
Please let us be able to lock, or 'group' elements, so that they can't so easily be moved out of place by accident.
I think that someone already has mentioned the need to identify which row, column, div etc we are on when checking the inspector panel. Some kind of naming would be a very good thing, especially since we at present are not able to see the inspector and design panes at the same time.