What It should have is 5-functions.
1.) Ability to set up an html subscription page. For online subscription captures.
Offline we will need the ability to import text/csv/xls/db files directly into the CC data engine.
Unlimited data fields for personalization is a big requirement.
2.) Ability to select and manipulate the data fields. Edit, Copy/paste etc.
Be able to select a range to send or just one email if a resend is neccessary.
3.) Ability to build either HTML or text based emails. Ability to build editable tables and bullet lists.
Easy integration of the data into the template. Integration of preferance protocols for setting up the smtp server.
4.) Reporting capability. Integrate with Google ???
5) Ability to switch from email output to "print" output of varible data templates. hmmmmmm
I could go on forever!!!!!
Why sleep when I can work...
"I told my son my car was a race car... He paused, thought then asked.."Than why does it have a radio?"