mobi website creator - for mobile...

User 38401 Photo

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got a link? Might be that some VSD users here will have some ideas for you. One thing I can say for sure is no matter what you do for the scaled down version, one thing to think about is... less is more. This means mostly less images and more links based for the most part. On the other hand, as an avid Nook Color user which I browse alot on it when on the road, I find I end up going to the normal sites much more often than the downgraded sites,... simply because they are too hard to navigate so...

Navigation of your site, in my opinion, is the main key to a good mobile website. Make it as easy to get around as you can and have as much of the content on it as possible without the bloatedness of a lot of images and menus.

Just some ideas that come to my mind. I haven't made one yet actually, but I use it a lot so I'm coming from the user standpoint instead of the builder standpoint :)

Good luck on it, and do give a link so we can take a look. You'd be surprised at how easy it can be to fix something when other minds give you ideas :)
User 199286 Photo

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I would love to see Coffeecup create a mobile site creator. There are many options out there but this is something the Coffeecup folks would excel at, given their experience with user interface production and their focus on ease of use.

This is the perfect time for this type of program as well - mobile browser use is somewhere around 7 to 1 compared to computer use last time I checked - probably higher now. By 2015 there is supposed to be 1 mobile phone in operation for every person on the planet. This does mot mean every person will have one, but that many are supposed to be in existence and being used at that time.

Mobile sites need to be at least adaptive to the device they are being viewed on. This is possible for most popular devices. They should also format properly based on orientation - when you rotate your iphone from vertical to horizontal, the page should scale up or down appropriately.

It is best if a website is built overall as a responsive web design. One site that covers all avenues simply by changing it's format based on the width of the browser window it is being viewed on. This is already being done. Google the term if you want examples.

Coffeecup should be jumping on this as a first priority. As a start, their HTML Editor could have the required code snippets included quite easily, I imagine. A dedicated mobile oriented website design package would be a good next step.

It is the future of website design and we need to be there.
User 1948478 Photo

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Dave Stevens wrote:
... - mobile browser use is somewhere around 7 to 1 compared to computer use last time I checked - probably higher now...

Mobile PHONE usage may be that high (??) compared to computer usage, but hardly mobile web browsers!
The mobile browser seems to still be just above 1% of the total according to the statistics from W3C:
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

And I wonder how many (of that 1%) is actually browsing, and not just using Facebook or G+... I'm sure that with time, the true browsing will go up considerably. BUT, if you break down the "mobi" usage, into tablets and phones, I'd venture to say that the tablets will do much more "surfing" than the phones anyday. Phone users would likely just use them to retrieve quick bits of data about a specific item/company.

Just my $.00002 worth :D
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 140444 Photo

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QR Codes...beginning to be a big deal. I personally would like to see mobile templates added to HTML editor in HTML 5. If you have template don't really need a mobile site creator so to speak.

I don't care how much "surfing" people do on their mobile phones, but when they scan a QR code, they need to see a mobile version of your site or offer/product.

Are there any mobile templates in the works for the HTML Editor?
User 199053 Photo

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Looking at some of the dates on the postings, I really don't think we're going to see a mobi site creator from Coffee Cup. Shame, because I think it would take off like a rocket.
I currently use ***software name removed*** which has an IPhone website capability that generates code that also works well on my humble BB Curve 8520 and other handsets I have tried it on.

Please don't name rival software if they are not specifically doing things that CC software cannot do. The software you listed is basically the same type of software as VSD and does not have Mobi capabilities built in, it just may allow you to create it easier or differently, but it's not a specific feature of that software so naming it here is kind of .. well rude lol .. (I went through the features to make sure). I'm sure you don't mean to be rude or disrespectful though so I just removed the name. Thanks.
Jo Ann
When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 199053 Photo

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Many apologies for the software naming. I still use VSD a lot, as it's my favourite, but surely the iphone feature could be added as a template. We've all been waiting a very long time for a mobile site creator from Coffee Cup. Mobile sites are becoming more and more popular and I'm surprised that CC hasn't jumped at the opportunity to produce a wysiwyg version by now, albeit an addon to VSD.
When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 187934 Photo

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I don't see the need for a dedicated mobile website design app as most sites look great on my PlamPre. My wife's Iphone also does an awesome job scaling websites. It's pretty easy to make a simple website with minimal content with a link to the full site as an option but for me I'll browse the full version every time. I even make post on this forum with my phone.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 199053 Photo

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All very well, but have you tried making a website with VSD and then viewing on mobile. Things aren't where they should be and navigation buttons seem to go exactly where they want to. I've tried several times with VSD, even sizing down to 320x240 but the result is a mess.
The software which I am unable to name, does an excellent job. Why can't CC come up with something?
When everything is running sweet, that's the time to worry!
User 187934 Photo

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What kind of phone do you have? VSD sites look pretty much the same on my Palm Pre as on my pc.:cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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