About the web site stuff,
hey DJ --
i LOVE your site--the rough sketch is sure not lookin too rough to me!!
the intro page is beautiful and classy-- good job--
i too have to agree with mark on the seperate browser window-- but i totally understand where you are coming from too-- so this is a good experiment-- i would like to know how it works for you
mark-- i didnt know u got engaged-- how cool-- i am sending u my very best wishes-- i sure hope ur future bride loves computers!!?!?!?!

Hi Sharron,
I am flattered by your positive comments. Thank you! Let me just understand you correctly, was it the White paged-cursive intro or the main window with the beach couple that you thought was classy? Should I stick to the fancy cursive for my logo or keep it as it is? I can't decide.
I enjoyed and appreciated how helpful your website was.
Thanks again!