So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2325

User 152575 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Wait a minute! Mark never said he was engaged, I did. I'm probably jumping to conclusions. Mark said he "might hire me" and I assumed it was for a wedding. I play for many events and he could have wanted to hire me for a simple birthday party. So, I'm sorry that I jumped the gun and am creating problems.

About the web site stuff,

Sharron Hoilman wrote:
hey DJ --
i LOVE your site--the rough sketch is sure not lookin too rough to me!!
the intro page is beautiful and classy-- good job--

i too have to agree with mark on the seperate browser window-- but i totally understand where you are coming from too-- so this is a good experiment-- i would like to know how it works for you

mark-- i didnt know u got engaged-- how cool-- i am sending u my very best wishes-- i sure hope ur future bride loves computers!!?!?!?! :)

Hi Sharron,
I am flattered by your positive comments. Thank you! Let me just understand you correctly, was it the White paged-cursive intro or the main window with the beach couple that you thought was classy? Should I stick to the fancy cursive for my logo or keep it as it is? I can't decide.

I enjoyed and appreciated how helpful your website was.

Thanks again!
User 12512 Photo

228 posts

I've been busy updating me site to WordPress 2.0 and a different theme. Also have 3 CC apps running on there. Any more that would be useful to the nature of the site?

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Chris Hall wrote:
I've been busy updating me site to WordPress 2.0 and a different theme. Also have 3 CC apps running on there. Any more that would be useful to the nature of the site?


Hi Chris,
It's looking very slick and professional. Tell me if I am wrong, but I seem to see a search function, music box, form......?
I am trying to think which programs I use on my sites......though they are of a very different nature....I have the Editor, blogger (that might be useful for you), web search, form builder, firestarter, photo gallery, password wizard, and nothing else comes to mind for the moment. Certainly the password wizard if there are going to be areas of the site which are accessible to a limited number of people. For my site the gallery is a pretty important feature.......and the blogger is quite a nice way of presenting updated information on minor items. Could even be that the news feeder would be good for your subject.
So much depends on whether this is going to be your only site, or if there is the probability of doing others. In that case, I would gradually try to get most of them together that have direct impact on the web design. Perhaps less important are the pix converter and colour schemer, though I certainly use the latter a lot.
Sorry not to have any precise answers to your query.......just rambling thoughts on the subject|
Janys ;)
User 12512 Photo

228 posts

Cheers Janice! Yup, 3 apps on the site.

I think I'm maxxed out on what CC apps may be applicable given the nature of the site. Blogger wouldn't be appropriate as WordPress is a blogging installation itself. Always worth getting another opinion though as I don't have all the apps.

The Juke Box player only plays a few tunes at the moment but there are much more powerful uses for it in the affiliate marketing field. A lot of the big affiliate marketers are including voice messages on their sites using other embedded players. For me CC JukeBox is just so easy to use annd implement. Future plans for the site and I expect to be using the JukeBox a lot more!

User 2189816 Photo

31 posts

Christopher Weis wrote:
And my submission:

It's my personal server I run out of my house that provides, web, email, telnet, ftp, newserver and more. The server is truly personal, but is also used for other projects I am involved in.

I am not a graphic artist in anyway, more programming and engineering is my arena. Coffeecup has helped me make a decent little site for my server which makes an excellent front-end appearance.

I got a real good laugh outta those newspaper ads! lol
User 2189816 Photo

31 posts

Maleko wrote:
Ok, I;ve updated my site a lot, go take a look:

Comments/suggestions more than welcome!

Love your site.
One point, but maybe you would like to get someone else to confirm this......... in your new gallery the Misc. album (and I didn't try the others) doesn't seem to load. The captions come up, but no picture. I am on a fast connection so there seems no to be no obvious reason for this, unless you are having the same problems others have had with new galleries.

Hi all, I saw the "misc" gallery, love the sun shining through the snowy branches image....great site! :)
User 172595 Photo

Trial User
4 posts

Well OK then :)
I do alot of websites, but I'll share two here.

The first is basically my portfolio

Its my art stuff - photography, ceramic art, screen printings and yeah, some web design.
Mostly just hand coded HTML, with FireStarter used to create the flash logo.

The site I'm working on right now,
is a bed and breakfast in Assos, Turkey that my friend runs. Its a little thin on content right now because she's lagging getting me some copy, but its my first attempt at a "flash" website.
Used FireStarter extensively on the layout, but couldn't quite do it all...

Oh well, maybe someday...:)
User 6262 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I've done quite a few web sites for the company I work for, but if I were to submit my best work, I would say these two:

Likes' Black Belt Academy (My "First" All Flash Web Site along with PHP)

Wausau East High School Band Program (PHP and Flash)
Matt Straub
User 50481 Photo

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3 posts

My main site is a Cyber Adoption site(all click and take) fantasy, seasonal, misc....etc.
Welcome to The Magic of Yakchat's Adoptions
My hubby's Commercial site is:
Truckers Watching Truckers

Anywho...I also have made several other sites over the years and have a couple of my older sites still up...but those are my 2 main ones....
"Made with Coffeecup Of Course" :cool:
huggers, Carol/Yakchat
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes :-)
User 170591 Photo

Registered User
21 posts

Hi folks

Looks like a lot of neat sites out there, here's what I've been working on:

It has been built completely using VSD with a shopping cart added to the site from ZenCart. I would love to get some feedback on it, as I am not done with it, nor am I totally sure I like the way it all comes together, but I am still learning how all this stuff works.

...always remember that wherever you go, there you are.

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