Wow! All your sites are quite impressive!
I have just a simple personal site dedicated to nothing but good friendship and commeraderie. Fun and games, chatting and of course Coffee Cup Jukebox is on the forums but as a forum member feature only.
We run year long trivia torunaments, the occasional contest and we share lots of other interests from cars to food to the military! I've even a really unique gift shop with some really interesting stuff.
I have a private room where my boyfriend is trying to hook up with his old mates from the Navy and that's actually getting good response. I've an international crowd of civilians and servicemen/women and a generally friendly bunch!
The site itself is made with Net Objects Fusion and the forums are WOWbb forum software. I've the whole place hosted with wowbb and they're a small company but provide excellent customer support, especially for web newbies like me!
Nothing fancy about my site, but I like it simple and fun.