So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2269

User 27416 Photo

86 posts

Wow, it's great to see this topic is still going strong! :)

Well I've had a bit of an update to my website so here's the new information...


Name: Some Secret Place

Description: After many attempts at making a worthwile website, all I have now is a website of complete randomness ;) I use PHP code for the dynamic stuff and to pull the information right out of my community forum, and pure CSS for the layout!

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML, TopStyle Pro, and Photoshop CS2

Authors/Team: Just me!

However, now that I've been generously invited to the Coffee Cup Ambassador team I just may turn it into a Coffee Cup fan site ;)
User 2189816 Photo

31 posts

Guy Hufstetler wrote:

Name: Julie Hufstetler

Description: Julie Hufstetler, Award-winning Christian Singer, Songwriter and Recording Artist, performs for Christian conferences and Womens ministry events.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer

Authors/Team: Guy Hufstetler

Very nice web site! You have mastered the VSD! Good luck and Be Blessed!
User 42484 Photo

Registered User
124 posts

Another manifestation of the Ambassador Program or just run of the mill spam?
User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts

I think he's just responding to the "So, What's Your Website?" question... --- Howard
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Eskil Fagerlund wrote:

Here is my web sites:

It´s about my optician business and is in finnish, but I never be finished with it. The word "optikko" is in english "optician" and I reserved the domain name in those days when internet was young. The domain name is good for me, because many searches are just "optikko".

This is my online store were I sell for the most sunglasses (only in Finland). It´s done with agora but I´m waiting for a shopping cart program from CC.


What I never asked you before - do you actually have a factory to produce the spectacles, or do you buy from suppliers? I suppose my question is really - do you have anything to do with the actual design of the glasses or not?
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Bella Fortuni wrote:
Another manifestation of the Ambassador Program or just run of the mill spam?

Hi Bella,
I understand that the Forum is unique in that we have actually been invited to use this spot to spread the word about our sites, and reap all the benefits that this will allow us. A unique opportunity which is highly appreciated by most. I for one, just looking at my stat counter can see that I have a lot of CC visitors for wish I am particularly greatful.
Without wishing to sound patronizing, CoffeeCup has presented us with a valuable publicity I guess it is there to be used!
J ;)
User 2209775 Photo

Registered User
108 posts

Wow! All your sites are quite impressive!

I have just a simple personal site dedicated to nothing but good friendship and commeraderie. Fun and games, chatting and of course Coffee Cup Jukebox is on the forums but as a forum member feature only.

We run year long trivia torunaments, the occasional contest and we share lots of other interests from cars to food to the military! I've even a really unique gift shop with some really interesting stuff. :)

I have a private room where my boyfriend is trying to hook up with his old mates from the Navy and that's actually getting good response. I've an international crowd of civilians and servicemen/women and a generally friendly bunch!

The site itself is made with Net Objects Fusion and the forums are WOWbb forum software. I've the whole place hosted with wowbb and they're a small company but provide excellent customer support, especially for web newbies like me!
Nothing fancy about my site, but I like it simple and fun.

User 155008 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Here is the very 1st and only website I've ever created. It is my current website. It came online Saturday Evening.

It is my website for Voice Over work. I have no experience with
HTML and have never created a website before.

Programs used: CoffeeCup HTML editor 2006; Coffee Cup Web Jukebox; CoffeeCup Google Sitemapper, CoffeeCup Direct FTP.
"They're on our right, they're on our left, they're in front of us, they're behind us. They can't get away this time."

Chesty Puller, Colonel, USMC
User 152575 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

This is my very first post on Coffee Cup.

Will anyone give me some feedback on my website experiment?
Someone told me that my old website, , does not look good in red so I'm considering another color and format. I also use the Coffee photo gallery.

I have the firestarter 6.5 so I had to put 3 flash files in one frame since my version does not have the very handy stop/pause functions.

Another question, does anyone know how the Coffee gurus did this flash sample?

Can you place multiple sound clips in one flash file? Maybe that's it....and then using the stop buttons.....
Anyhow, thanks!
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Carlo Madrid wrote:
This is my very first post on Coffee Cup.

Will anyone give me some feedback on my website experiment?
Someone told me that my old website, , does not look good in red so I'm considering another color and format. I also use the Coffee photo gallery.

I have the firestarter 6.5 so I had to put 3 flash files in one frame since my version does not have the very handy stop/pause functions.

Another question, does anyone know how the Coffee gurus did this flash sample?

Can you place multiple sound clips in one flash file? Maybe that's it....and then using the stop buttons.....
Anyhow, thanks!

Hi there, Carlo,
Like the acid colours you have chosen for the site. Seem appropriate for the site content/context
Don't forget to download the latest version of the photo gallery to do away with that wicked scrolling problem. There are now left/right buttons if you want them to overcome what seems to be a problem for some.
To me it looks as if the flash keyboard probably uses hot spot links to various sound files.

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