So, What's Your Website - Post ID 112869

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Shalini,

I like the site, the logo is really professional looking, nice job, and the all around look of the site is pretty nice. Only thing I would do is fix the few images on the site that are a little fuzzy or distorted sized. On the top with the 3 images under the logo, the 2nd one is fuzzy and the 3rd one's width is a little too narrow. The business card looking image at the bottom where you have places for advertizers is very fuzzy hard to read. All in all the site is coming along very nicely, good job :)
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Nice looking site. I have to agree with Jo Ann here that those home page oval images do look a bit as if they have been either stretched or squashed into a shape which has rather deformed the original quality. If you could crisp those up a bit the overall professional look would be improved.

Here you can find some Creative Commons images to use from the Flickr community just in case you have nothing of your own appropriate for the site.: … amp;m=text
and here from Google:
You will have to dig deep to find just yoga images as the term seems to cover all sorts of other things as well!
User 2027091 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Thanks for the feedback and the links. I have been struggling to find some good quality pictures. I know that they are not the best. Hopefully, I can find something in the links. If not, maybe some of the member studios will be willing to provide some pictures.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Shalini... I have just started to use the CC search application again and find it eccellent for anyone looking for something within the site pages. Don't know quite what to suggest for the upload function you are after though as that is more a feature of a content management site really. Maybe somone has other ideas on that one. The only other thing would be for the site users to send you the resumees to upload to the server, and then you publish them on a searchable page. Might mean making a small charge for that service to the instructors who want their details published.
Obviously those are details you will know how to deal with according to the situation.
User 1950693 Photo

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29 posts

This site is a shop for my own handmade items and web resource and expo for artists and crafters.
My first website, I restructured with coffeecup when geocities went down. It's a Pop Art baby t-shirt screenprinting business.
My other site still needs a lot of help! It's an affiliate marketing website for self help products, programs, and services.
"Become the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hello Kris,
I think you are going to have to up the contrast between the greenish text and the background on your dustpan site index page. I would also suggest that you use a dark shade of grey rather than the really stark black for the background for the sites. Black can be a little harsh whereas a really dark shade of grey can often prove more pleasing to the eye. Having said that, the effect is very striking with that fun header image and pleasing dropdown menu.

You have the basics laid down for the third site and I assume you will be plumping it out with a bit more information and text content over time.

All the best with all three sites.

User 611939 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Hi Shalini,

I wonder if you can tell me how you put together the 'News and Announcements' section on your site. That's exactly what I am looking to add to my website.

Did you use a CC program or was it another?

Cheers - ballen
Brian Vanallen
Balingup, Western Australia

My website and business -

'May the fresh sprinkle of care snow down upon you'
User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

Hi Shalini (or anyone else), how did you do the Subscription Request ( ) also. This and the "News Announcements" would be perfect for my site. I am new to VSD and not a techie...

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 192897 Photo

Registered User
325 posts

george barone wrote:
Hi Shalini (or anyone else), how did you do the Subscription Request ( ) also. This and the "News Announcements" would be perfect for my site. I am new to VSD and not a techie...


Never mind just went looking for more EGGS and found the two CoffeeCup products that do the Scrolling News (RSS Feeds) and Subscription Requests (Web Forms)... Time to try them AND look for more Eggs
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 1947136 Photo

Registered User
24 posts

My websites are and (Yes, Im a travel agent.)

I used Wix for this version, but I have CoffeeCup Forms on the sites for quotes.

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