So, What's Your Website - Post ID 119047

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

kristin basnett wrote:
My websites are and (Yes, Im a travel agent.)

I used Wix for this version, but I have CoffeeCup Forms on the sites for quotes.

Very pretty and just all around nicely setup site kristin. I would have to say that Wix has done well by you for your purposes for sure. I would like to mention that in Firefox 3.6.2 on your CoffeeCup form for your quotes for Disneyland, at the bottom the text of the "How did you hear about..." line is overlapping the form component on the right side of it.

I didn't peruse the whole site, but I did briefly roam around and it's really a very nice color scheme and nice images too. Well done :)
User 1947136 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
kristin basnett wrote:
My websites are and (Yes, Im a travel agent.)

I used Wix for this version, but I have CoffeeCup Forms on the sites for quotes.

Very pretty and just all around nicely setup site kristin. I would have to say that Wix has done well by you for your purposes for sure. I would like to mention that in Firefox 3.6.2 on your CoffeeCup form for your quotes for Disneyland, at the bottom the text of the "How did you hear about..." line is overlapping the form component on the right side of it.

I didn't peruse the whole site, but I did briefly roam around and it's really a very nice color scheme and nice images too. Well done :)

Thanks! I think the overlapping was my flaw, so I will go fix it...Thanks again for the input! :)
User 67229 Photo

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15 posts

My website is still finishing a couple of the pages, it's very rough...
User 2078227 Photo

5 posts

I am now building my own website, but it hasn't finished yet. Maybe next time i will show you that one
User 394490 Photo

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6 posts



Description: A lot of pictures of us and a bunch of our travels (with our mobilhome and a canoe)

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML, CoffeeCup DHTML and ThumbHTML

Authors/Team: Me and W3schools ;)
User 192897 Photo

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325 posts

Here is my first site using VSD, RSS News Flash and Web Form Builder. Quite a change from AOLPRESS.....

This site displays over 20,000 pictures of all known beer coasters from the USA from the early 1900's through recent issues

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. MARK TWAIN
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Very cool, George!

Some of your pages don't have a way to nav the rest of the site unless I use the browser back button. :(
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Jules wrote:
My website is still finishing a couple of the pages, it's very rough...

Nice job, works well together, but I would make one suggestion. Although most of your site is setup flash wise, it would look a lot nicer if you were to create an HTML page with the similar look of your flash setup and put your Photo Gallery in it rather than on a separate blank page of it's own. Would give your site a nicer smooth flowing look and people wouldn't feel like they just went outside your site to somewhere else when they load up the gallery. :)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

angelican smith wrote:

Name: Multimedia Software World

Description: My website is about all kinds of multimedia software i am using now and the ones recommended by my friends. It includes video converter software, slideshow maker, HD movie maker and also there are other content about my interests in my daily life.

Authors/Team: Just me!

Nice site angel, but what on there is created with CoffeeCup software? I didn't really see anything that used it, but I may have missed it.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Harriet Geuze wrote:


Description: A lot of pictures of us and a bunch of our travels (with our mobilhome and a canoe)

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML, CoffeeCup DHTML and ThumbHTML

Authors/Team: Me and W3schools ;)

Nice Site Harriet,

It's interesting as I didn't know CC's menu maker was able to create that sliding menu effect. Good to know. Nice setup on your pages, lots of images which is so homey, well done :)

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