So, What's Your Website - Post ID 119457

User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
oh my Janys, I just noticed that I got a title change LOL, wonder how long it's been there or how long it would have taken me if someone hadn't mentioned titles and I looked out of habit at mine LOL.

Congrats Jo Ann!
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

hehe thanks tassie :) Everyone's getting up now, I guess I can go to bed LOL
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hey... that's brilliant JoAnn... congratulations!
User 1752616 Photo

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7 posts

dave beall wrote:
David Enriquez wrote:

I'm pretty new to website design. I am open to any ideas or comments.

nice site, works well.
I noticed that this internal URL takes for eeeever to load..
<a href="" target= "_blank" >

I would make the map bigger.

Thanks Dave. I will make the map bigger this morning. - I'll see if it is OK to just load an image of the logo instead of getting it from the site. Thank you for your help! Dave
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

The map looks better now since you can see the street better.

I just had another quick look.. Just my opinion here..
The survey page opens a new window or tab.. hmmmm, I think it would be better to open target="self" or not a new window.
I am thinking it has all the menus and page items, why a new window.. and if it redirects to a thank you page that has some kind of content with the site menus and page stuff, it should also be a normal site page.

The opens a new window or tab is not a real good idea if it can be avoided.

User 147665 Photo

712 posts

when the bbb link is not responding the page content is blank. The header shows and the menu shows, but the content area is all white. I tried to grab a screen shot, but i saved it wrong so I have nothing to show you. I have seen the empty page at least 4 times so far, I will get a proper screen shot if i see it again.
I would put the image on your server and just have it link to their site.

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

David - I am not sure if I am understanding the problem Dave is commenting on completely, so forgive me... but the survery page opens up fine (and fast) for me.
What I have noticed is an overlap though, so look at the attached screenshot to see where the problem lies. I am viewing in Firefox at 1440 x 900
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

The bbb logo links to the bbb server, and if the bbb server lags, the content area of the page is blank until their server responds. If I visit the site when it lags again I will get a screen shot.. I wish I would have saved the screen shot the first time properly so it would be visible here..

The survey page does load fast. I was commenting on the new window or target= "_blank"

I am using FF3.58 and don't see the overlap.. (screen shot)

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Ok Dave... I am with you now.
But the problem of the overlap still remains and the fact that you can see it ok is not necessarily relevant. It should be properly visible on all platforms and resolutions really. I have looked through the css to see if there is anything that jumps to mind, but all the fonts would seem to be core fonts. I just wondered if perhaps some of the element positioning needs adjusting a little. I will try to find the time to look at that a bit more carefully later.
Meanwhile, David - the staff page looks much cleaner now you have aligned everything and opened up the line space a little more. Nice work.
User 1752616 Photo

Registered User
7 posts

Janys & Dave,

Thank you for your help. I'll rethink opening the survey in the same page. You are right that I probably don't need to do that.

Yeah, I changed the line height on a lot of the pages. I didn't realize how bad they looked. Thank you so much for your help. I'll have to look at the overlap problem. I tested it in IE7, Firefox 3.6.3, and Chrome, and don't see it, but your screen shot Janys is quite convincing. I look to see if I can find that tonight. I'll see if I can find the version of firefox you are using to test it.


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