So, What's Your Website - Post ID 158779

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya VonBulldog,

Is there some CoffeeCup products used on that site? After checking the code I didn't see anything, but I could have missed it. If not then your post will be removed as this isn't the place to be advertising your business. Thanks for understanding.
User 2049304 Photo

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10 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya VonBulldog,

Is there some CoffeeCup products used on that site? After checking the code I didn't see anything, but I could have missed it. If not then your post will be removed as this isn't the place to be advertising your business. Thanks for understanding.

Short answer is: no, I don't use any coffeecup products on that site.

Long answer: I build it from scratch with HTML and CSS using parts of a template. The orders are handled with WHMCS(Webhosting Manager Complete Solution), this automates the creation of accounts and billing etc.

Since I purchased the Coffeecup HTML editor 2010 SE I maintain the site with it, that's all.

I wasn't aware you can only post sites that use coffeecup products on them, sorry.

P.S. I have however a coffeecup banner on it ;) pretty nice don't you think?


The Netherlands.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

P.S. I have however a coffeecup banner on it pretty nice don't you think?

Heck, I think that deserves a plug in this forum even if you don't use CC products. Quid pro quo.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

haha good answers and yeah I guess I would have to agree with Tom that it should be ok. If the CC team doesn't think so they will let us know I'm sure :)
User 2049304 Photo

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10 posts

Lol, thanks.:cool:

I am however building a site for a client with HTML editor 2010 SE using one of the CC templates that comes with the editor, as soon as it is ready i will post it here.

User 2049304 Photo

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10 posts

Not completely ready yet, but as promised:

It is about a contractor who builds kitchens, bathrooms etc.

Tools used: Coffeecup HTML editor 2010 SE, Coffeecup Stylesheet Maker, Coffeecup Theme Grey someting, don't remember exactly but it comes with the HTML editor.

I want to make clear that it is a blast to work with the coffeecup tools, the ease of editing and instantly upload pages to the website, I just love it;)

Greetings from The Netherlands,

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Chrome looks good. IE, FF, and Opera all have serious horizontal scroll issue.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Yep I concur with Tom, horizontal scroll issues in FF 4.0
User 2049304 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

Thanks for the feedback, I hadn't noticed that. I think it is that I had to alter the width of the menu bar because I have more menu items then the theme originally has. I think that is the problem.

I will change it back and then I think it's best to change the spacing and padding of the menu items itself.

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