So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2231

User 128180 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Well, here's mine.
This is my first web site. I'm still trying to figure out firestarter. I can't get it to load right. It shouldn't take that long for 700k to load on a fast modem. Any advice??? :confused:

let me know if you have any advice on firestarter.
User 113096 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I've used coffee cup to make a few pages but here is what I'm currently working on:

Bernhardt's Web Site

I would appreciate any suggestions on making those pages load faster! Especially when you look at the pics of our Home.

User 59565 Photo

Registered User
69 posts

My site:

Geocacher University is a support site for people involved in the game/sport/activity/hobby/obsession of Geocaching. If you've not heard of it, Geocaching is sort of a high-tech hide and seek game. We hide containers in various places and post the longitudes and latitudes on People then download the locations to a GPS and go looking for them. It's a lot of fun and gets me out from behind my desk and into the woods.

I started my site as my own personal home page, but began getting lots of visits from other people interested in the game. About 2 years ago I launched with the new URL (hosted by BlueDomino) and get several hundred visits a day. It's been a lot of fun to build.

If only I could get rid of my REAL job and do this all the time! ;)

Geocacher University
Because some of us never outgrew hide-and-seek
User 69840 Photo

Registered User
49 posts

I have been using CoffeeCup Software for years.
Their software helped me create this website:

Thanks CoffeeCup!
User 118290 Photo

Registered User
52 posts

I have got formbuilder and may end up using it for a form on this site:-
Experience is what you get just after you really need it.
User 104846 Photo

13 posts

I've been using CoffeeCup visualsite designer and I've loved it! Trying to get firestarter to cooperate with it is what brought me here. Tho not the fanciest site, here is mine! gentle! I'm nowhere near as technically gifted as the rest of you!

Kim :o
User 90421 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

To be honest I feel like I should have spent more time on my site after looking at some of the others posted here. I had no idea how to build a site and volunteered/was drafted for the project. Since putting it on the net, I haven't had much time to do much more than update some postings. The first one is mine, and the second is one I helped my Daughter do.

Anyway, here they are. Hope you like them.

User 13903 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Hi Guys,

I don't have my site up yet, I had to drop my study of HTML for awhile to study Adobe Illustrator and Graphic design. I'm a graphic artist for a major custom flag co.

But I'm back on track now with HTML and hope to have a site up soon. I just hope it will look as good as all of yours do. You should all be proud.

I love Coffee Cup, so you all know who I'm gonna host with. ;)

Keep 'em flying.

User 124565 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I've been working on my first website for many months and have finally finished it.


This is a site about the monster snowstorm (called the President's Day Snowstorm II) that hit the East coast Feb 16-17, 2003.

I found CoffeCup HTML editor to be everything I needed and very easy to use. I also used Digital Atmosphere - a meteorological workstation used to create custom weather maps from standard met data (available on the internet) and Paint Shop Pro X to edit my photos and figures.


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