So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2248

User 129028 Photo

46 posts

Just a couple of weeks old and still getting the bugs worked out , but here it is:

Domain: Joe's Granite Labor


A hobbist site, also used to hire me for anything I can or think I can do. Also like to help new folks who know a little less than I on computer topics. (a narrow field)

I provide freeware downloads of handy utilities that I use myself and have pictures in a gallery, and Slidesshows, of the area I work and live.


HTML editor, Firestarter, sometimes GIF animator, Form builder and Javascript. I use the DHTML menu builder and Table builder in the html editor. I like centered pages, so I have a wrapper for that. The few graphics I use are done w/Paintshop Pro. I use Windows Movie maker and Nero for video clips. I use PhotoGallery for slideshows.
GL Joe (P. Joseph Larson)
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts


Name: Giudecca Homes

Description: A site set up to advertise the holiday rental homes of a small number of people in Venice, Italy. All the homes are part of the award winning new residential area of Judeca Nova.

Tools: CC HTML Editor, Selteco menu maker, Jasc Photo Shop Pro, Selteco Flash Designer, CC Form Builder, CC Password Wizard, CC Flash WebSite Search

Authors/Team: Me and we together.

There are a couple of other sites, the biggest of which was my first ever effort: which is in need of a major overhaul, but as I do their press release translations, plus some of the translations for their exhibition catalogues - and maintain their site, that doesn't actually leave much time for any overhauling.

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Kelly Steigman wrote:

Hi Kelly,
Certainly got my taste buds going - I'm off to eat as it's 7.40pm here and about time I put something under my teeth.

User 12512 Photo

228 posts

Two more websites I've been working on.

First up is my blog

Note to CC - there's a popup ad on this site, be good if CC could produce some flash based software for this!!

Second is a website that I've just transferred to WordPress 2 with an integrated Gallery 2. These 2 components work so nice together! On this site the contact form is a simple one using CC Form Builder.

Note to CC - there's an awful lot of smoke rising over sql injections on unvalidating forms in php/apache, maybe a good time to play up the fact that CC's forms are immune to this!
User 138688 Photo

Registered User
242 posts

Here's mine. Slowly trying to update and refresh it
Tom Mooney

User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts

Bike Mike is here and on the air!!!

Wanted to say hello to all the CoffeeCup users and any CoffeeCup staff reading this post.

I am new in here.

My Under Construction website will be Should be up and running sometime in the spring of 2006.

This website is using all software from

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and or week.

Bike Mike
2002 Olympic Torchbearer
Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 149961 Photo

Registered User
11 posts

Here is my site:

It is my first site. I look forward to adding the coffeecup juke box

Thanks"The Other Military Police"
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

TowerRat wrote:
Here is my site:

It is my first site. I look forward to adding the coffeecup juke box


Hi there,
Must say I am impressed - certainly very professional look and feel to the site.

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