So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2294

User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts

Wonderful website, Mark/Maleko! Did you use CoffeeCup's FireStarter to do the intro sequence? --- Howard
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Maleko wrote:
Ok, I;ve updated my site a lot, go take a look:

Comments/suggestions more than welcome!

Love your site.
One point, but maybe you would like to get someone else to confirm this......... in your new gallery the Misc. album (and I didn't try the others) doesn't seem to load. The captions come up, but no picture. I am on a fast connection so there seems no to be no obvious reason for this, unless you are having the same problems others have had with new galleries.
User 51909 Photo

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3,694 posts

Maleko wrote:
Ok, I;ve updated my site a lot, go take a look:

Comments/suggestions more than welcome!

Love your site.
One point, but maybe you would like to get someone else to confirm this......... in your new gallery the Misc. album (and I didn't try the others) doesn't seem to load. The captions come up, but no picture. I am on a fast connection so there seems no to be no obvious reason for this, unless you are having the same problems others have had with new galleries.

I can confirm this one for you Janys.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 157175 Photo

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58 posts

As i also said in the other forum, it works here...weird...I have tried it on IE 6, IE 7 beta 2, and FF.
aka. Mark Davies
User 51909 Photo

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3,694 posts

Maleko wrote:
As i also said in the other forum, it works here...weird...I have tried it on IE 6, IE 7 beta 2, and FF.

Replied in the other thread about this one Mark.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 131712 Photo

4 posts

My site is Most of the sites that I have constructed with the help of Coffee Cup + Front Page, have been for family and friends or charities.(follow my 'portfolio' link) Both my son and my son-in-law are part-time disc jockeys and my son's site keeps me fairly busy with weekly updates of his playlists and podcasts. One day, perhaps, someone may pay me for my design efforts but my technical ability is limited and then I would not know what to charge anyway.

Michael White
User 51909 Photo

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Michael White wrote:
One day, perhaps, someone may pay me for my design efforts but my technical ability is limited and then I would not know what to charge anyway.

Michael White

When I first started to do web sites for people, I had no idea what to charge. So 9 times out of ten, I didn't.

Now, however, I have three ways in which I charge for my services.

1) For Family - 1 Hug

2) For Friends, I tend to swap skills. So I did a big site for a repointing specialist a short while ago, in excahnge, I got the house repointed. Pound for pound, that was a good exchange. I have also done one for a builder, electrician and a plsterer. These three still ow me a job, which they are happy to do for free. I also did a site for a lady who does dog sitting and runs a kennels. Now she knows I smoke, so everytime she goes on holiday (several times a year), I get lots of duty frees.

3) Beyond that, for people who have come to you through word of mouth etc, then I found, depending on the complexity of the site they want, £20 - £25 per page plus a yearly fee for upkeep seeems to be an average cost for an individual to charge. You could also charge a bit extra for Photos, Music, Flash etc. Do a google and see how much people charge. Also look at the Ambassador forum and check out the peoples web sites there who do web design and see how much they charge.

If you are not to sure about accepting money, say you are a pensioner, on any type of benefit, don't want the hassle of decalring to the tax man, then say, that is OK, I will do you your site, you pay my phone bill, or I need a new cooker. etc.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

But when I told my husband I wanted 6 weeks in Barbados for doing his site............well, ..........the air turned blue!!
Maybe 'cos I said I would be going on my own?
J :(
User 51909 Photo

Registered User
3,694 posts

But when I told my husband I wanted 6 weeks in Barbados for doing his site............well, ..........the air turned blue!!
Maybe 'cos I said I would be going on my own?
J :(

Janys, Thats not nice. You could have taken him as well and declared him as a tax exemption on next years accounts.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 152575 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Does anyone know how to create mouse over effects on flash firestarter?

In addition is it possible to insert searchable text into a flash file?

I'm making a flash website and would appreciate any help.

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