So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2308

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Dr.DJ wrote:
Does anyone know how to create mouse over effects on flash firestarter?

In addition is it possible to insert searchable text into a flash file?

I'm making a flash website and would appreciate any help.

Hi DJ,
As far as I am aware, it is a no on both counts.
From what I can see, you can add hot spots for links into the Firestarter Flash, but not mouseover.
I also seem to recall that search engines don't find flash file content.
Maybe someone else has a comment on this one for you......?
User 51909 Photo

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Dr.DJ wrote:
Does anyone know how to create mouse over effects on flash firestarter?

In addition is it possible to insert searchable text into a flash file?

I'm making a flash website and would appreciate any help.

Hi DJ,
As far as I am aware, it is a no on both counts.
From what I can see, you can add hot spots for links into the Firestarter Flash, but not mouseover.
I also seem to recall that search engines don't find flash file content.
Maybe someone else has a comment on this one for you......?

You are right Janys

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Dr.DJ wrote:
Thanks. So far I've just made the shell. I'm making the links now.

I'm pulling my hairs out trying to figure out how I can incorporate a CC photo gallery flash file into firestarter.:/ I guess I'll just make it open seperately and have a back button. This will also prevent hearing 2 songs at one time. All I use is front page and Coffee Cup software.

The "about us" and "photo gallery" pages are the only links I've worked on.

Any ideas?

Thanks Janys and Mark!

Hi DJ,
I have just had a look at the beginnings of your site, and like what I see.
Hope you don't mind if I just make one comment though..... I went to look at the gallery (which opened up ok no problems) but notice that when I close that I get taken back to the index page.
Would it not be better to get back to the page where the menu is? So if the menu and index page are one and the same, maybe you would actually be better having a separate html page for the index (or even a separate flash) and then one for the menus. So that people don't have to go through the full flash sequence every time they want something new on the menu.
My experience tells me that people have a low level of patience with those sequences, and unless you offer them a way to skip it all they need personal involvement with the site content to sit through it happily every time they want to change pages.
Hope you don't mind the observation.............

As far as the CC gallery and firestarter are concerned it really comes down to what you wanted to do with the combination? I think Sharron Hollman did some interesting things along those lines you mention with regard to music files...........wonder if she is looking in here these days?
Janys ;)
User 152575 Photo

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So that people don't have to go through the full flash sequence every time they want something new on the menu.
My experience tells me that people have a low level of patience with those sequences, and unless you offer them a way to skip it all they need personal involvement with the site content to sit through it happily every time they want to change pages.
Hope you don't mind the observation.............
Janys ;)

Thanks for your input Janys. :) Yup, that is exactly my problem but didn't realize it until I already made the layout for the flash page. I think I understand what you were suggesting, even though I'm not web saavy. Basically, unless I make my own photo gallery inside the flas firestarter file, and I'm not, I'm going to create a links area outside the flash file. My goal is to try to make this web page neat, simple, and hopefully somewhat attractive to those interested in hiring a DJ for a wedding. Being a web novice, this is a hard task. So, I guess I'm going to make several swf files. For instance, when I press on the "about us" link it will open the aboutus.swf, the packages link opens packages.swf, etc. Know what I'm saying? This is the only way that I know. I'll have to use a frame for this.

I guess I'll have to make my logo/header outside of the flash since I can't incorporate it into the photo flash gallery.

By the way, I appreciate the constructive criticism. That's why I'm here. I'm not trying to win the web site awards but only trying to appeal to the wedding market, particularly brides since they wear the pants when it comes to wedding decision making.;) Please don't hold back. If something is cheesy, trashy, not appealing, just say so.

We'll here goes nothing.......I'll show you when ya'll when I'm done.
User 51909 Photo

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Hi DJ,

I say, your site is looking very slick and clean. I for one can not wait to see the finished product. I have just one negative comment, and this is a 'ME' thing. After you enter your main site, the user is faced with a non-browser type window.

Now, if others a like me, then they may well have 4 or 5 other web pages open at the same time, I have 4 at the moment. However, they are unable to get out of your web site unless they hit the close button. That is a shame. It would be good to keep people at your site as long as possible, but if they feel trapped in there, they may just click the close button.

That is just me though.

Search out Sharron Hollman on the forum search, she has had a goo dplay with the photo gallery and music a s well as Firestarter and music. There may be some useful info there.

Now hurry up and finish the site, I might just book you!!

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 154113 Photo

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My very first site ever! I used Visual Site Designer.

I created this for a friend of mine who deserves it more than she knows.

Charisse is a Christian Speaker and Lecturer.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions are always welcome.

Have a great day and God Bless!
User 51909 Photo

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3,694 posts

Anna Antoniou wrote:
My very first site ever! I used Visual Site Designer.

I created this for a friend of mine who deserves it more than she knows.

Charisse is a Christian Speaker and Lecturer.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions are always welcome.

Have a great day and God Bless!

Anna - A very nice looking site.

I did notice that there are a couple of stray elements on the home page though, specifically the two bars. They seem to be floating across some text. I am sure that a little nudge down on both will sort that out.

You also have a little mixing with some of the text and button, in that they are floating into each other. I have included two screen shots below for you, as it is easier to see than someone try and explain. So I hope that helps. Just be sure to look where the text is all mixed up with each other near the bottom of the page for an example. Good luck, Mark
Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 37670 Photo

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I just had a look before and after your post Mark, and I can't duplicate what you have on your screen shots. I thought the site looked good. Could be a browser issue of some sort?

I have tried it on Netscape 8 and IE 7 Beta 2. They both display nicely.

E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 51909 Photo

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3,694 posts

Cliff Main wrote:

I just had a look before and after your post Mark, and I can't duplicate what you have on your screen shots. I thought the site looked good. Could be a browser issue of some sort?

I have tried it on Netscape 8 and IE 7 Beta 2. They both display nicely.


Cliff, I used IE 6 and also Firefox (most recent version, don't know the number). Looked the same in both. I am going to have to put Netscape on mine as well.

Anyhows, I justhad another look and that is how it looks. They say a picture never lies, or did I just make that up? It is late here and my little brain is slowly ebbing....

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 4539 Photo

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540 posts


The site ( looks OK on my FireFox, IE7 Beta 2, and on Opera.

Mostly just lurking these days ...

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