So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2392

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts wrote:

If anyone would like to comment or give me some suggestions I would be very appreciative.

I am impressed.
The site is very attractive, without any comment on your wonderful photographs.
My only suggestion would be that for such a professional looking site - with such professional content, I think you would be wise to give text alternatives for those little coloured icons in the album.
If you look at my own site (previous post) which now has a small gallery - you will see that I have replaced the icons with appropriate text. Perhaps we should swap, as the kids visiting the ice cream parlour would probably like them!!
If you are unsure how to change to text, give a shout and someone will point you in the right direction.
User 292473 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Ok, here's my very first attempt at a website. I hand craft jewelry and stained glass suncatchers from broken china (yes, the fun part is shopping for the china!) Any suggestions for changes would be greatly appreciated. I'm having a problem finding the "Add to Cart" button in VSD that keeps showing up on my "pins" page. I know that I need to delete it, but it doesn't show up anywhere in VSD. Help??! Thanks to anyone interested in taking a look.
User 303293 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

I'm a hobbyist; I've had my website for several years now. It's a paid account hosted on Geocities/Yahoo. Most of the base was built with their pagemaker software, but since they went to 2 GB of file storage and I bought the Super Pack I've started doing a lot more with it. For the last couple of years my main use for it had been to host my pictures for my eBay sales, but now I'm playing with all this neat software. I'd like to get proficient enough to pick up some pocket money to supplement my disability, but everyone's kid is learning HTML in elementary school now (at least it seems so to me.)

So far I've used The HTML Editor (barely), V/S Designer, Web Juke Box, Google Sitemapper, Password Wizard, Direct FTP, Web Video Player, Flash Menu Builder, Flash Form Builder, Live Chat, Flash Blogger, and WebCam (which has a lovely driver but creates HUGE files).
Michael Duncan

It's easy to sit there and wish you had more money; I guess that's what I like about it. It's easy sitting there, wanting that money.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts wrote:
Ok, here's my very first attempt at a website. I hand craft jewelry and stained glass suncatchers from broken china (yes, the fun part is shopping for the china!) Any suggestions for changes would be greatly appreciated. I'm having a problem finding the "Add to Cart" button in VSD that keeps showing up on my "pins" page. I know that I need to delete it, but it doesn't show up anywhere in VSD. Help??! Thanks to anyone interested in taking a look.

Hi there,
Just a couple of things.
Here is the screenshot I took of your pins page.
You will notice that there is an overlap at the top of the page.
This is probably because you have used a non-default font for the heading (BRADDON) which is only on your own computer. It will not show up on any other pc if it is not installed there.
The way around this is to create an image for your heading, or better still, to use the CoffeeCup Flash Font program. You can download a trial version of that to see how you get on.

Next - that same page has not been centred like the others. It would help to have a look of continuity to all the site.

Perhaps you haven't found the horizontal and vertical guidelines in VSD which are very helpful to align things neatly. Your keyboard directional buttons are great for nudging things into line also. You can find the guidelines VIEW > INSERT HORIZONTAL GUIDE.

To get a similar look to all the pages, once you have created the basics for one, just copy all and paste into subsequent pages.

Must say that I am not quite sure what you mean about the add to cart buttons.
Hope this helps,
p.s. What beautiful handwork you do.
User 292473 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Janys: Thanks so much for your suggestions -- very, very helpful! I couldn't understand why the headings were fine at home and then different at work - I thought it was just the different sizes of the screens. Now I know! Also, I finally found the problem with the "Add to Cart" button - Somehow I had pasted the code into the HTML header on that page (oops!). I'll do more work on it this weekend and correct the problems you pointed out. Thanks again for the GREAT suggestions! Also, I'm glad you like my products, I appreciate for the compliment.

-- Tanya
User 300709 Photo

Trial User
16 posts

I have a dutch startpage:

Only the wallpaper part is in english:

I made it with notepad, because i like html and most editors are trowing a bomb in the code :-(
For the wallpaper part i was planning to use a flash program, i tried 7 of them, but none of them was good enough so i made it also in html, only for the menubar i used a program, but i made a custom skin for it (used wmp11 as inspiration).

At the homepage i had RSS Flash News and i felt in love with it, but that was only for 30 days...
I would buy it, if i only knew how....

Greetings, Michel.
User 300709 Photo

Trial User
16 posts wrote:
Ok, here's my very first attempt at a website.

On this page: … dants.html
when i click on one of the images it leads me to the open directory where your images are stored...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Michel wrote:
I have a dutch startpage:

At the homepage i had RSS Flash News and i felt in love with it, but that was only for 30 days...
I would buy it, if i only knew how....

Greetings, Michel.

I would buy it, if i only knew how....
Does this mean you don't know how to buy it or what?
If that's the problem, in just the same way you downloaded the trial version, you would just continue along the "purchase" route.
But maybe that isn't the problem?

User 300709 Photo

Trial User
16 posts

of course i followed the purchase route, but i dont have a credit card.
and the other two options i have no idea what it means...
maybe if i had the bank account number from coffeecup i can send it directly?

User 292473 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

Michel, thanks for pointing that out. I don't know what happened. I checked all the links on another computer and they all worked fine. I went back to VSD and re-entered the file names, saved my changed and uploaded the entire site. It seems to be fine when I checked it at my home computer.

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