So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2409

User 133269 Photo

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2,900 posts

Janys Hyde wrote:
I am lost here. What does "lazeist" mean? Does that refer to "most lazy" maybe? If that is in fact the case, I'm afraid you have the spelling wrong - it should read "laziest". Otherwise I have no comment to make on the site as you have obviously made very personal choices in your presentation.

Oh - i took lazeist to mean someone who likes to laze - as in you'd call someone who likes the left a leftist ;) Sounds like a fine sort of a religion to start up to me :P
Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Fe Pixie wrote:
Janys Hyde wrote:
I am lost here. What does "lazeist" mean? Does that refer to "most lazy" maybe? If that is in fact the case, I'm afraid you have the spelling wrong - it should read "laziest". Otherwise I have no comment to make on the site as you have obviously made very personal choices in your presentation.

Oh - i took lazeist to mean someone who likes to laze - as in you'd call someone who likes the left a leftist ;) Sounds like a fine sort of a religion to start up to me :P

O.K. Fe Pixie...........
I can go for that! Isn't that something you pixies like to indulge in whenever the opportunity arises???
J ;D
User 133269 Photo

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2,900 posts

oh yup - my most favouriteist passtime :D
Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~
User 299643 Photo

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4 posts

Fe Pixie wrote:
Oh - i took lazeist to mean someone who likes to laze - as in you'd call someone who likes the left a leftist ;) Sounds like a fine sort of a religion to start up to me :P

Yes, Fe Pixie, you took it properly and see it in the proper light. If I believed that religion had any redeeming value, I would have made it a religion... it is currently a lifestyle/philosophy that works quite well. :)
I have seen slower people than I am and more deliberate; even quieter, more listless, and lazier people than I am. But they were dead. - Mark Twain
User 133269 Photo

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2,900 posts

You could make it a JOB instead - as in dentist or scientist - a lazeist works hard on lazeing no?
Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~
User 299643 Photo

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4 posts

Fe Pixie wrote:
You could make it a JOB instead - as in dentist or scientist - a lazeist works hard on lazeing no?

Ooh, work is just as bad as religion in The Lazeist's book of badness! If someone wants to pay me to laze and will not call it work, I will gladly take it. Otherwise, I will just laze on. :)
I have seen slower people than I am and more deliberate; even quieter, more listless, and lazier people than I am. But they were dead. - Mark Twain
User 300709 Photo

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User 307652 Photo

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Here is my latest site which I designed for my dad who is an amazing artist, check it out and critique away.

I used VSD, flash fire starter, flash form, and flash gallery all coffeecup products.
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

Totally Awesome !

User 307652 Photo

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15 posts

Thank you!

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