So, What's Your Website - Post ID 72444

User 104846 Photo

13 posts

I'm a coffeecup addict! I have to say that Coffeecup forum even solved what could have been a huge issue! My husband bought a huge pretty flat screen for my computer and then I couldn't use some of my programs! I thought we would have to take it back but I solved the problem in 2 minutes with CoffeeCup!! YAY! CC! Here are the sites I've built using Coffeecup! - My own site - saree store - Bellydance troupe - Dance store - Bon Jovi cover band (they play internationally)

Some people have video games, I have CC! I'm not even kidding....I play with my site and the art all the time. I am looking into a new facelift for my site.....until I find the right combination, I probably have 3 going and saved (not uploaded) to tinker with. With CC and Photoshop, never a dull moment!

Thanks guys!
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts

Hi Kim. I checked out your sites and they look great! One small note. The sice (Canadian, eh?) the "Boutique" page is aligned to the left of the screen when all the other pages are aligned centre. The site looks great, but looses something when the page layout is not consistent.
One question I have is about the "contact" pages on your sites. Have you tried the CC form builder? You use email links, and for users like me who do not have or use their computer supplied email system linked to their web browser, we can't send email from the link. I have to use the link to find out the email address, copy that into my "prefered" email client then send the email that way. With a form, I could just type in my info and click "send". Just something to think about.

Nice job on all your sites!
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

If I could just make a comment too, Kim.
I viewed your site in Mozilla Firefox and I have to say that there is some rather bad text overlay in certain areas (I note particularly the home page). If you have the opportunity to see it in other browsers and other resolutions (I have 1024 x 768) you may find a few inconsistencies that need some attention.
Otherwise...... well done.... a lot of work has obviously gone into your sites.
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts wrote:
If I could just make a comment too, Kim.
I viewed your site in Mozilla Firefox and I have to say that there is some rather bad text overlay in certain areas (I note particularly the home page). If you have the opportunity to see it in other browsers and other resolutions (I have 1024 x 768) you may find a few inconsistencies that need some attention.
Otherwise...... well done.... a lot of work has obviously gone into your sites.

Adding to this...the HOME page, the sizes of many things are off in FireFox, including the navigation links. Maybe check to see if somehow the code on the home page for the links and text is different from that same section of code on your other pages.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I have taken a screenshot to show you where the overlap shows up. I hope it comes through so that you can see what I mean.
Just click on the attachment to view file.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

The site was made with VSD 5.3. The most recent version is 5.9, and if I recall correctly, it corrected some of the differences between browsers.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Don't forget that sometimes problems with text placement occur because you use fonts which are only installed on your own computer. I can only see Verdana in the source code of your page............ but the font used on the white bevelled area is probably not default and could be causing problems with my (and not only mine) browser.
There are a couple of ways to overcome this problem......
1.Create an image using unusual fonts - useful for titles, headings or small areas of text.
2.Use CC Website Font to create small areas of unusual fonts which are still accessible to search engines (whereas images are not) and do not create accessibility issues for those using special electronic reading apparatus.
User 389612 Photo

Registered User
43 posts

Well, I'm going to finally toss out my Family's Christmas Tree Farm site.
It's been a work in progress that I never really got to if it's even finished yet. There's a lot of little things I'd like to do...if only I had the time!

Anyways, check it out and let me know what you think...or see that I can improve...or just want to complement; or even gripe about.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Well, I'm going to finally toss out my Family's Christmas Tree Farm site.

Now it's funny you should be saying this. For years I have prepared a Christmas site for family and friends as a way to get our news around....... a few pics of growing children etc. Each year I say...... no more! But in your case it looks as if you have an interesting business attached to the site's existence.
Now if you have actually been getting business through the site, to my mind it would be worth keeping it going. The only thing I am thinking is - perhaps there is a fair amount of expense in keeping it up and running, so maybe you should consider just getting a third level on another domain.
Do you have another site without the Christmas theme? If so, you could probably get a third level or domain name with Redirect on that, and just open up the Christmas area of the site at the appropriate moment.
Certainly this is what I have decided to with mine which will close down shortly and not get looked at again until the end of the year.

At first glance, I would say that your site needs a little more "oomph". Perhaps you could take a few photographs in the right theme now before we put away all that is Christmas ........... tree...... lights, decorations....... snow etc. and just put them away until you are looking for inspiration for an overhaul in time for next year. It is amazing what a difference a few small photographs can make to the initial impact of a page. So don't use only the albums, but add in a few more single photographs.Don't put too much distance between the camera and your subject. You need to get in close for best effect in such small images. For the rest, your site seems to be nicely themed and obviously the choice of colours and graphics all fits in well. Bold is good......... you can make a strong statement with this theme.

Unless this is costing you a great deal, I would stick with it and enjoy the fun of making a few simple changes later in the year. These kind of sites are often very enjoyable to mess about with, and the scope for fun content is almost limitless.
User 104846 Photo

13 posts

“Cliff Main page is aligned to the left of the screen when all the other pages are aligned centre. The site looks great, but looses something when the page layout is not consistent.
One question I have is about the "contact" pages on your sites. Have you tried the CC form builder? You use email links, and for users like me who do not have or use their computer supplied email system linked to their web browser, we can't send email from the link. I have to use the link to find out the email address, copy that into my "prefered" email client then send the email that way. With a form, I could just type in my info and click "send". Just something to think about.”

A-HA! Thanks! I meesed the centered/non-centered one! Thanks! Gonna have to correct that this week. I personally hate ‘link’ email addresses, but she likes it so that it’s harder to get spam. I also prefer a form and have it on my own site. Thanks for noticing the aligned center tho!! See?? Now THIS is why I love you guys!

“Janys Hyde If I could just make a comment too, Kim.
I viewed your site in Mozilla Firefox and I have to say that there is some rather bad text overlay in certain areas (I note particularly the home page). If you have the opportunity to see it in other browsers and other resolutions (I have 1024 x 768) you may find a few inconsistencies that need some attention.
Otherwise...... well done.... a lot of work has obviously gone into your sites.”

I actually have the Firefox issue on all of my sites. I have yet been able to fix it and after trying to upgrade my own site to the new visual site designer it was a nightmare! So I’m loath to do it with older sites like bedofrosesonline. BUT someone else posted that that may solve the Firefox issue….so I may just be giving it a go further on in the week and see if that makes a difference.

Thanks soooo much for the advice! It does not go unnoticed nor unappreciated!

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