So, What's Your Website - Post ID 74608

User 271145 Photo

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3 posts

Hi All I really like Coffee Cup and have been using your stuff for a while now.
I started with the Web Video and love it. I can film my daughters dancing singing reciting, and post it to a non-linked page and Grandma, and Grandpa can see the latest. I also like the form builder, as it eliminated spam. I could go on and on as I have almost a dozen of the software.
A movie of me making Horseshoes,
Photo gallery at Robson Museum
Photos at Ocean Falls Museum
For a laugh I did a song paradee,
Its Mr.Ed's grandson, Squire Ed Needing his horseshoes redone,:lol:
warning: It's painful:
He He
User 494996 Photo

Registered User
65 posts

I wanted to edit my post...

here is the old site (designed by someone else)

here is the new site designed by me:


Software: VSD
Authors/Teams: Me!

I used to build websites over 10 years ago. I got back into it this last september when commissioned by the site above's owner to take over her site.

I have tons to learn.


(styling links in previous post quoted below no longer work)

Michelle King wrote:
Michelle King (you can call me Hula)... this site is for a christian women's ministry... still in test mode...

here are other logos i've done using Summit's Logo Design Studio Pro

here is the current 'construction' page

here is what the old site looked like (designed by someone else 3-4 years ago)
---- Michelle K.
User 132919 Photo

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1 post


I run a small massage therapy and skin care place in Herndon, VA. I am a Certified Massage Therapist but have worked in the IT field for quite a while. This was my 2nd attemp at putting this website together. The first wasn't too good.

The only thing I didn't do here was the oline gift certificates. I link to a service for that. If Shopping Cart were able to allow for variable pricing like gift certificates I would try my hand at that but for now I'll leave it the way it is.
User 148617 Photo

27 posts

Hey everyone. I've been using Coffeecup software for a while now and love the company. Just thought I'd share some of my sites that I've designed.

My photography

A fansite I created for a game that I love

A start to a site for my freelance web design service:

Freelance design jobs:

The company I work for (designed this site as well)
User 68530 Photo

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4 posts


Name: GT Rock Band

Description: This web site features information about a Salt Lake City local band called "The GTs". The site includes a calendar of upcoming gigs, pictures, music, and contact info for the band. The address is:

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML Editor, CoffeeCup Photo Gallery, CoffeeCup Web Calendar, CoffeeCup Website Font, CoffeeCup Web JukeBox, and Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Authors/Team: Me and the good folks at They gave me permission to use their images.
User 508304 Photo

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9 posts

The Global Guru |

This is an 'interactive' travel networking site, where users are permitted to submit their own travel related articles, photos, and quotes. The site also has travel reports from various destinations, a travel forum with useful information and tips, and a photo gallery.

CoffeeCup VSD has been a great help! When you're 'on the road', you don't always have time to type out a bunch of html code and update the website, so it has been awesome for my backpacking trips all over the globe! Thanks again, CC!
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

My sincere congratulations to you on what seems to be a most interesting site. I haven't looked in depth, but it certainly seems to be nicely composed and user friendly. Good wishes for the future of this site and I hope that it attracts the attention it deserves from like minded travellers.
User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

I spent a couple of years (2002-2004) trying to earn my keep as a 3D modeler/graphic artist. I really didn't know diddly about the web but figured it couldn't hurt to have an online showcase of some of my work, so I got a copy of CuteSiteBuilder (it was the app of choice recommended by my web site host) and banged something together over a couple of days.

It's lain mostly fallow since then, with tiny updates to some of the bio info being my only involvement. For some odd reason my interest in web stuff has rekindled, and now my goal is to re-build it from scratch using all CC tools. I might experiment with, say, a photo album interface for the gallery, a web form for submitting comments, who knows what else? Call it my hobby horse. I'll be publishing the evolving new version at:

as things progress over time.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

Visit Spinland Studios:
User 239547 Photo

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28 posts


Name: Primal Impact

Description: A local group of guys that are in the process of starting their own hunting show on the local FOX station. The website is for selling apparel, hunting accessories, an online newsletter and whatever else they can come up with. Still a work in progress.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML Editor, CoffeeCup Video Player

Authors/Team: Just Me

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. This is the first site I have created without the use of a WYSIWYG editor.

User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts


Name: QuBik

Description: My website is dedicated to Country Music.

Tools Used: CCJukebox, CCVideoplayer, CCVisual Site Designer,
CCImage Mapper, CCPhoto Gallery, Adobe Media Encoder CS4,
Adobe Flash CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Sony Vegas Pro 8,
Web Expert, and a few other little tools... phewwwwwww

Authors/Team: QuBik

This is the 2009 Edition of my Country Style Web Site, I created the first
edition last year and improved it quite a bit this year. If you pay a visit,
please drop by the Guestbook Lounge to sign my book and let me know
from which country you come from.

A pleasure to share with you all
Survival of the fittest

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