So, What's Your Website - Post ID 79038

User 575561 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Hey, check out my coffeecup made site:
It's a document translation website.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Seth - a nice little site - clean and no fussy stuff. Like it.
User 487322 Photo

Registered User
19 posts
Help am trying to adapt my html site to css, it seems I have to write and remember more code than I did with just html. Apart from the ability to change fonts and colours in one fell move ( I don't want to change them, I chose them)and position everything in the same place, which I don't want. I can't see many benefits. Please convert me to css. How will it help seo? From what I read it's the next best thing to sliced bread and a cup of coffee. I want to learn from you guys and am willing to be convinced.
Please help.
User 487322 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Seth, great site, did you do anything special to make it look great in firefox and I.E., mine looks terrible in firefox, and as for chrome, don't even ask. You tips would be great.
my site
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

The benefits of css are not just changing your fonts............ but deciding on absolutely everything within your site, all from one single file....... the position of your content.......... the height and width of areas of text.......... the behaviour of all your paragraphs....... and if you do want to carry on using tables you can decide on how you want all your lines, cells and tables to look.......... what colours your links are and if they have special effects on hover etc..................

Obviously if you are doing just one site with a limited number of pages, you may not really see the advantages............ but once a site starts to grow and for some reason you need to make a change on every page........... going through all of them and making changes in the html can be very time consuming and frustrating!

I am just in the process of revamping a cms site for a non-profit art association, and even though the framework I have built to work with the content will remain the same throughout the site, it makes things so much faster to have built the design elements in css and know that even if I don't format all the content on the pages, they will all look alike because of the basic single css file.

And just an aside........... I do all the skinning for these cms sites using CoffeeCup HTML Editor for both the framework and the css and tables. Here is the art association site......... still in the process of transferring content from the old site to the new cms one.

I think that you will find that css grows on you as you become more confident using it.
User 1873275 Photo

1 post

I'm just contemplating on starting a new cofeecup site, so checking in here to have some inspiration. You guys have some wonderfully done sites. Mine is in the works, will post it here once complete.:)
Janys Hyde says.........
Perhaps you would be good enough to remove your two profile links until you add in your "site under construction" for all to see.
Many thanks.
User 9906 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I created a website for my Church using FireStarter for the Intro and for the Announcements on the Welcome Page.

Would love constructive criticism.... (but still be gentle. I am new at this) :D
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Very nice Anita! In my favourite colours too.......
My only suggestion would be to give a little more "breathing space" around some of your text. For instance - the blocks of text which are right up next to the side of a table cell or column on the left, could do with a bit more padding on the left. And maybe to help someone read a table with lots of grid cells, yet again, a bit more space top and bottom of the text makes it easier to follow I think. Not all white space is "negative" and in some situations it plays a very positive role if used carefully.
Take care where you have your links in blue against black......... there isn't that much contrast for those who might have problems with their eyesight.
Apart from that, it all looks very pleasing and professional - and for someone who has just started, you have done extremely well.
User 130978 Photo

3,025 posts

Anita M wrote:
I created a website for my Church using FireStarter for the Intro and for the Announcements on the Welcome Page.

Would love constructive criticism.... (but still be gentle. I am new at this) :D

Very well-done...sure this is your first?
User 202099 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

hey i agree with melaine
anita your site looks great!

U R a professional!
how much do U charge!

i'm serious!
hit me up!

always makin' funny @:

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