So, What's Your Website - Post ID 90732

User 452007 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Domain: (my business) (my son's business)

Name: Expressive Design Systems Inc. / Knottight Charters by Capt. Steven Tejera

Description: We do window coverings. My site is a place for potential customers who find us through Google, our installation vans, and other media to get a pictorial idea of what we have to offer so that they can be better prepared to make their choices.
My son is a boat captain and he has a Flats Fishing Guide Service. If you're ever in South Florida and want to go out and catch a lot of fish he's the guy to call (special discount if you mention you saw it here)

Tools Used: Visual Site Designer, Photo Gallery, CC Flash Program, Microsoft Picture Manager, YouTube Video, professional pics vendors supplied.

Authors/Team: Just me but have plenty of critique from wife and coworkers.:mad:
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Please check your sites on some different computers. Unless someone has the same fonts that you do installed on their computer, they're not going to see the text the same way you do. Best to use web-standard fonts to avoid problems. Also, on the Expressive Design site, I'm getting an unnecessary horizontal scroll because of the dashed line under the menu (the line extends way beyond rest of page).
I didn't come on here to critique your sites - I just like to see what everyone comes up with using the CC software. Your sites look great - except for the font issues - so I thought you'd want to know about that :)

Take care, Callie

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Here goes

Pleasant colour scheme and some nice "green" suggestions.
On the page (pots and planters?) where you have a vertical row of images, I would be inclined to make all those images the same width, even if the height differs. It would probably give the page a more symmetric look. But this really is a minor point. I am unable to see any overlapping or floating links on any of the 5 browsers I tried your site with.

My only comment is on the left hand black strip - it is not straight and by the time you get down to the second strip, it really looks pretty crooked. I then went to look at one of your other pages and for some reason the whole strip just appears as a series of streaky blurs. I will get a screenshot together so that you can see.
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Not sure if I can attach both screenshots in one go. Otherwise I will add two posts. Yes they should both be attached. Now you can see what I mean about the problems on the left. I also notice that you images seem to be loading slowly on both sites so they may need to be optimized for web viewing and compressed a fair bit.
User 1901921 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Hi Janys,

The pleasant colors and creative feel is all Petals doing; I take care of the technical stuff...or at least try. We'll go back and look at the pictures you mentioned to compare the visual affect of changing the widths.

I have a hard time with the size and placement of things.

As far as I overlapping links, I personally haven't seen a problem unless I submit the site to an engine that tests bunches of browsers...I guess it is an issue for obscure or old browsers. I am still planning to learn CSS and HTML; but, with VSD, it is not a time-critical issue.

Thank you for your comments. I search through the forums for answers & I always learn a lot from yours & BillR's. Keep up the good work.

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Have you not tried using the vertical or horizontal guide rules there are in VSD? I found those very useful for lining things up on the page - and also the directional arrows on your keyboard are good for nudging objects just very slightly in any direction. I seem to recall (forgive me as I have not used the program for some time) that when an object is touching the guide line the line changes colour ever so slightly to show that the alignment is correct.

Certainly if you begin to get your head around CSS and HTML that would be a major step forward in your web design. I only ever use the CC HTML Editor for my coding, and even when I do skinning for content management systems or even use a generated template for any reason - all my coding and tweaking gets done with the Editor so that I can personalize the site even more.

And many thanks for your kind words... much appreciated.
User 1901921 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Wow...those are great tips Janys! I will definitely share them with Petals. I knew about the grid lines; but, never noticed the color change.

thanks, again!
User 1924622 Photo

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13 posts

Coffeecupors and Coffeecupees --

I have two websites discussed below. Each is intended for specific devices and purposes regarding my new eBook explaining company financial reports in a new visual way, with illustrations of a “financial picture.” Target devices are based on this eBook’s availability: Kindle and Kindle-iPhone @ Amazon, and also various higher-res smartphones and PC @ MobiPocket.

website #1 is
This website differs from most websites in two respects. Its #1 target device is iPhone, #2 Blackberry and other smartphones of higher res, as well as clear on PC. Its content purpose is the opposite of the common website garden of sidebars, links, and other choices – instead a single illustrated message, intro to the eBook, with a couple of links at the end. So it’s a single scrolldown with text and illustrations, which in default should fill widths of display for iPhone, higher-res Blackberry, etc…

website #2 is
This website’s purpose is even narrower: sequences of financial-picture visuals from the eBook for professors to project in class lectures and discussions. Its target devices are just computers. It provides no explanations, just the financial-picture illustration sequences – the professors are to do the explaining. (And I don’t want this website to do the explaining and thus become a free version of the eBook.). So this website, not yet completed, is a front page with links to other pages, each of which is a PhotoGallery sequence of financial-picture illustrations. These do not offer auto-run because the sensible use is professor clicks thumbnail when he/she wants to move illustration-to-illustration.

I'd sure appreciate comments on either or both of these websites.

Dick Purcell
User 501861 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Hi all,
I made this site using all Coffeecup software this May.

I am looking forward to some feedback.:)
User 528054 Photo

Registered User
209 posts

This is mine, Its the first site I have ever done, and CoffeCup has helped me
understand some of the things you can do, the combination of the visual editor and html editor has helped a lot. I have a long way to go yet though.

But it seems to work... thats major for me:)


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