So, What's Your Website - Post ID 96428

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I'm glad it's working for you, I would imagine you should only need to check a handful of browsers in the future and just make sure you check the older versions too.

I'm on Windows XP using FF 3.5 and IE 8
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

rather than trying to centre each table individually, by using the
around your tables, you can centre everything in one go.
Don't forget to add in also.
margin: 0px auto 0px auto;

So my method requires you to add the single area included between the
tags, and into that area add all your tables which will all behave according to the single rule you apply to the div.
I will upload the revised version of your page online so that you can see what I have done. Some of your own properties and values have been removed or changed slightly to save on time, but you can add those back into the css file. I wasn't quite sure how you wanted your footer to behave so have left that where it was.
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts


Brilliant! So simple, yet so effective!

I want to thank you for (1) your infinite patience as a teacher, and (2) all the time you have spent on making me understand...
I really learnt a lot from you and from Jo Ann in a short time. And, as in all good teaching/learning moments, the process made me think about a number of areas that I need to study up on and things that I now want to change and improve on our site.
Upon reflection, I realize that one reason I hadn't thought about the centering issue, is that I always have a number of windows open that I tend to instinctively resize and move to where I want them. So the content is always "centered" by definition...

PS: Last time in Venice was 30 years ago; - unforgettable!
User 1998534 Photo

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11 posts

Janys Hyde wrote:
Hi Larry
I think perhaps the page would be improved by setting it up centrally with some more "breathing space" around the central content area.
Look forward to further developments on your site - same goes for yours too LadyMeDe

Yes I agree it's too cluttered to start with and still errors from testing but I appreciate you took time to look. Working on cleaning up the basic format this weekend, then actually putting in some content:/ Thanks!

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

You are most welcome.
I did in fact experiment a little further and replaced all the tables you used for the horizontal menu with a simple list
<div class="menu">
<hr color="#969696" width="100%">
<li><a href="index.html">home</a></li>
<li><a href="bio-english.html">biography&nbsp;(eng)</a></li>
<li><a href="bio-portuguese.html">biografia&nbsp;(port)</a></li>
<li><a href="press.html">press</a></li>
<li><a href="recordings.html">recordings</a></li>
<li><a href="photos.html">photos</a></li>
<li><a href="credits.html">credits</a></li>

which I created a rule for as follows
.menu {position:relative; right:auto; left: auto; text-align: center; word-spacing: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;}
ul, li
{display: inline; font-size:180%; font-variant: small-caps;

This of course would be a way to have less tables. Yet again, I have not put a lot of thought into the actual font sizes etc. but you can get an idea I think. These files have not been uploaded though.

Anyway, all the best and if you can get your head around css I am sure you will appreciate the benefits of one external file to change your entire site!
User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts


Very timely, since I am sitting here trying to make some kind of plan for all the things I'd like to change and correct on the site now that I have learned some good, new stuff (!); - and some general code clean-up to go with that, before I go too far in my 'old' directions. Your suggestion about replacing the "menu table" with a CSS-controlled list, fits right in with my desire to clean up the code and minimize unnecessarily repetitive coding. In that vein, I would also like to use "PNP-includes" for those sections of code that are repeated on many pages. The one thing that makes me a bit uneasy about PNP, is that I would not be able to test it locally, but maybe that is not such a big problem. The other thing that is holding me up is that I am on a steep portion of the learning curve when it comes to all of these things, be it HTML, CSS, PNP or whatever...

Thank you, again, for all your help! I will now be 'digesting the big picture' for a while before taking any drastic action on the details...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

I have to say that PHP is not my forte as I myself am at present on a learning curve with that one! However, you would possibly be best advised to get yourself as familiar with css as possible right now and pick up on PHP a little further on.

CSS still has its place even if you are using PHP so it certainly will not be time wasted and will help you clean up your code and avoid repetitive operations over multi-page content. When your pages are cleaned up, it will then be easy enough to slip in a little PHP here and then as you come to terms with that one too.

Check out these
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

See what I mean about my learning curve? I couldn't even spell "PHP"!

Yes, I fully intended to concentrate on HTML and CSS, and then maybe PHP down the line somewhere. I do like your suggested coding for centering the page and also your coding for simplifying the repeated menu. I just want to make sure I understand everything about the related CSS code, rather than just blindly 'copy and paste', before I implement it. One of the irritating habits that I believe came with my engineering background...

Thanks for the links! I will certainly use them for my continuing education!

User 440011 Photo

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106 posts


Name: Andre Pouliot

Description: My website is dedicated to Country Music lovers.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup Photo Gallery, Web Video Player, Web Jukebox, Image Mapper, Visual Site Designer and a few other softs from Adobe)

Authors/Team: Me and I

I first created my site in 2008, improved my original version later in the year to end with the 2009 edition and finally, worked on it again these last days.

My last improvement is the addition of a functionality called «TabTuner»
You Copy a song with chords, paste it into the textbox. Select the desired key change, then click Transpose. The transposed song will appear at the bottom.

I must here give credit to «Bright Web Media»:

who authorized me to embed their transpose functionality into my page

I have no clue what could be improved or added to my site. Up to you to comment.

Survival of the fittest
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi QuBik
Your start logic site is so individual (and certainly creative) that there are not many comments that I could make really. You have chosen a very personal style which fits in well with your content.

I have a pet hate though - web sites that do not allow me to go back where I came from, and that is how your opening page behaves. I can't understand why someone would want to "kidnap" me to stay on their site!

The other thing which comes to mind is that you have no obvious way for a user to get back to the home page. The galloping horse is a little annoying and might usefully be replaced with one of those cute road signs you have used throughout the site, indicating the home page or exit.

Nothing personal, but as you did permit comments, I thought you might accept a couple from me.

ps. can't understand why all the comments are coming out in bold type here???? Not my choice.

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