Confirm Page Variables? - Post ID 210236

User 69715 Photo

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30 posts

Hello, all

I'm trying to set up a confirmation page using the redirect URL option in WFB. The redirect works but I don't seem able to call up any of the $_POST or $_GET variables from the form.

Am I missing something?



User 187934 Photo

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$myvariablename = $_POST['myvariablename'];
echo $myvariablename;
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User 69715 Photo

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Hi, Eric -

That's exactly what I'm using but there's nothing coming back. I've used the following code to print out the entire array:


but all I get is...


Most annoying!


User 187934 Photo

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Try this.
print '<pre>';
print_r ($_POST);
print '</pre>';
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User 69715 Photo

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Hi, Eric -

Just the same. All I get is an empty array.



User 187934 Photo

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Did you try grabbing a single variable?
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User 69715 Photo

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Yes. There's nothing there! It just isn't passing the $_POST data to the confirmation page.
User 187934 Photo

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Sorry I miss understood your post. You have to do this on the mydformname.php. So build your own and replace the one that the form builder makes then do a redirect from there.
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User 69715 Photo

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Eric -

myformname.php looks like this...


$scriptpath = substr( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, -4 );
$paths = explode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $scriptpath );
$myName = end($paths);
require $scriptpath . '/fbapp/php/';

if( strtoupper( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) == 'POST' ) {

$ctl = new FormController();

} else {

if( ! isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) $myPage->ReportStats( 'NotifyFormView' );




Can you explain what I need to change, please?


User 187934 Photo

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Make your own with the code you were using before.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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