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Steve wrote:
yikes thats scary i have over 100 clients on that server. I would hate to update and break them all!

Considering that PHP is up to v.8, you are going to have to upgrade at some point.

If you are using cpanel and a PHP upgrade breaks your site, you can always put PHP back to the previous version and they should work again. I’ve done this successfully on more than one occasion.
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Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
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Brian Durfee wrote:
Steve wrote:
yikes thats scary i have over 100 clients on that server. I would hate to update and break them all!

Considering that PHP is up to v.8, you are going to have to upgrade at some point.

If you are using cpanel and a PHP upgrade breaks your site, you can always put PHP back to the previous version and they should work again. I’ve done this successfully on more than one occasion.

I've done the same. I had some php scripts that weren't compatible with php 7. I put off updating the scripts for two years. I finally sat down and picked my way through the errors to get them to work. These scripts were all custom one off scripts wrote several years ago. I've had no issues running Form Builder forms on php 7.
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Norm Lang wrote:

If you haven't already, try running Google Lighthouse against your website .

The results will probably be pretty scary, as Google in it's infinite 'wisdom' has become very sticky on how it thinks the whole internet should work.


Wow what an interesting tool! I will definitely be leveraging this tool on my current and future builds. It seems like a lot of the issues with SD5 css files as far as performance goes. How on earth do i fix that?
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