CSV or txt files - Post ID 204554

User 1252079 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

I have used the older version of the form builder, never had a problem accessing the txt file. I have the new version of WFB and can see in the ftp that the file is created, however, I cannot access it on the web as I formerly could. I have tried both csv and txt files, both created, neither can be accessed. I am putting in the path http://www.christpresnb.org/storage/csv … ce2013.txt coming up "page not found".

Can anyone help? I really need this for a big conference. thanks anyone.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I think you need to still append the folder name that the form is located in to that URL. If you go to http://www.christpresnb.org/storage/csv/ you also get a 404.

Probably should be more like http://www.christpresnb.org/contact/storage/csv/
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User 1252079 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

Sorry, the address I am using is http://www.christpresnb.org/conference2 … ce2013.txt

I have looked at the case, file names, etc over and over, and cannot see anything wrong.

Sorry for so much trouble, but I am just stumped and it is really important for this particular form that we have that cross checking ability. I have done forms for years, used an ftp for years, created feeds, have a decent understanding of the file paths. It is probably me, but I just cannot figure out why I cannot access that file. Maybe someone out there can see the problem?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Kathy,

Do you have access to the server to see exactly where that file got uploaded? I'm guessing that it's either in the filename itself which you've already checked, or that maybe the pathway isn't correct and there's either another directory you're missing or a capital letter somewhere that shouldn't be or something like that in the pathway itself.
User 1252079 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

Thanks JoAnn, just want to let you all know. An htaccess file was denying me permission to see the files. I renamed them on the server and now all is well. Might be something to keep in mind if anyone else has this problem.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Thanks Kathy for updating us and letting us know what the issue was. I would think that others will definitely find that helpful along the way :)

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