Email goes to spam instead of inbox -...

User 2370499 Photo

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Hello support!

After the guest is filling out the Web Form Builder, it goes to the spam section instead of inbox. This is Gmail. Please advise how to set the email goes to inbox of the Gmail. What did I do wrong? Please advise.

User 2140875 Photo

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For a quick fix, until the others jump in to help resolve the underlying issue, just create a rule that will automatically send those notification emails to your in-box.
User 2088758 Photo

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This is a known issue as well. For some clients the rules will not work as when the message comes in it gets marked as unverified therefore wont execute the rule. I know this is an issue for Outlook 365 for sure. I have reported this to coffeecup support and currently there is no fix for this.

Its my hope they will address all these issues eventually because soon we won't be able to use the WFB app any longer. I have already signed up with another vendor for Web Forms as a backup.

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User 2370499 Photo

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24 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
For a quick fix, until the others jump in to help resolve the underlying issue, just create a rule that will automatically send those notification emails to your in-box.

How do I create the rule for that? Please advise. Is there any scripting out there? Do setup on the Web Form Builder? I'm lost!
User 2088758 Photo

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No he was referring to creating a rule in your mailbox that will pull it out of Junk and move it to your inbox
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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