Looking for Difference in Forms -...

User 39859 Photo

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62 posts


I have a problem that is defying my ability to root it out. One of our customers, ottawacoop.com has multiple forms on their website delivered to multiple email addresses. But almost all of the forms have the email sent to ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com.

So, here's my dilemma: The output from this form makes it to everyone, including ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com: https://ottawacoop.com/employment.php (sent to ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com, clarkrw2014@yahoo.com, ottawacoopcalendar@gmail.com)

However, THIS form never makes it to ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com, and it's the same person, with the same email address (ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com), on the same PC and network: https://ottawacoop.com/account-application.php (sent to kaylynd@ottawacoop.com, ottawacoop@ottawacoop.com, nikkif@ottawacoop.com)

Can anyone see something that I'm not seeing?

Thank you.
User 187934 Photo

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Hi Brenda,
Have you checked to make sure the email address is in the Notification email settings?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 39859 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Hi Eric;

I have made screen copies of the notification settings.

User 379556 Photo

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1,580 posts

It may not be the cause of the problem, but https://validator.w3.org/ regarding https://ottawacoop.com/account-application.php seems to suggest that lines 233 and 239 should not have a space in the query part of the email addresses.


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