Microsoft 365 with Webform Builder -...

User 2582059 Photo

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9 posts

Using Mac webform builder (newest version) and we changed our mail-server to Microsoft Office 365. We are not getting emails anymore from forms, is there a compatibility issue or something we need to adjust for this? Any suggestions would be helpful...

Thank you!
User 2088758 Photo

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Hi Stephen I would suggest opening a support ticket for this.

They should be able to answer
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Steve Kolish

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User 376096 Photo

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32 posts

was anything discovered? I am having the same problem. Godaddy has not been particularly helpful. I know we had to customize the user.cfg.php file, but GoDaddy is now telling us that it is no longer necessary. I believe it needs to be adjusted again to accommodate the new relay servers being used since GoDaddy doesn't maintain their own mail servers anymore unless you pay a high premium to keep it.

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