PayPal Identity Token - Web Form...

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Yep, what Eric says. I thought this was yours. Sorry. Your client does need to setup ( if she hasn't already ) her paypal account. She should be able to get the Identity Token.
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User 2641365 Photo

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I am tired of the wrong answers from the PayPal and even other companies because of IBM PC - the shopping cart pro software is only for IBM PC. I use the WFB software which is for my apple computer. I asked for the Identify Token. I don't see the Identify Token information on her email.

Here is what she emailed me:

From their website, it looks like they do work with our STANDARD package ( To sign up, you will do this all online:

Step 1: Sign-up for PayPal Payments Standard by clicking on the link below: … s-standard

(Password must contain min of (8) characters, with capital and numerical values)

Step 2: Confirm your email address - don't forget to check your email and confirm your email address. We've sent simple instructions to your account.

Step 3: Add your Banking Information

Log in to your PayPal account
Click "Profile" near the top of the page
Click "My money"
Click "Add my bank" next to "Bank accounts"
Enter the bank's routing and account numbers, then click "Continue"

Step 4: Integrate your website - add a Shopping Cart

Within your shopping cart find the payment methods or payment processor section
Find PayPal Payments Standard or PayPal IPN option
Enter your PayPal e-mail address in the appropriate field
Select your cart settings and save

Let me know if you have any problems getting this set up.

Thank you,

Lori Buettgenbach

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User 2088758 Photo

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Ok i have attached some screenshots. Please don't mind my bad printing ... i was using the paint brush to write on the screenshots. Not at home or I would use other means to type on the screen.

Anyhow this is how you get your token from paypal.
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Steve Kolish

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Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

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User 2641365 Photo

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Excellence !!! Thank you for the step by step clearly. :)
User 2088758 Photo

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Your very welcome! I took those screenshots today so it should reflect exactly what you are going to see. Let me know if you need more help.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 89817 Photo

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My PayPal payment is not working. Worked fine from 2019 until July 2024. Is this a PayPal problem or a Web Form Builder problem? I am using the lastest update 2.20 Build 5577.

I've attached a copy of my form settings.

Please help, I'm losing my customers.
User 187934 Photo

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Hi Claudia,
I would open a support topic so the CC gurus can look at this. It maybe be a bug.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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