PayPal Identity Token - Web Form...

User 397045 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

I use the Form Builder a lot and love it, but now I am trying to branch out and use the Payment function.

I have a PayPal account, but not a Identity Token that I've read is for inventory control. Is there no way to enable payments without the identity token?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

To use PayPal, you need to have this. There is no charge to get it from PayPal. Just enable the option and copy the key they give you into the software.
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User 298877 Photo

292 posts

Hi William,

To get a PP token, here's the steps:

1. Log into your Paypal account
2. Click the My Account tab.
3. Click Profile link (ignore the dropdown, just click the word Profile)
4. On the left, click My Selling tools to expand this option list
5. On the resulting list, click on Website Preferences
6. Auto Return for Website Payments click ON
7. After Return URL: Enter your home page or any custom "thank you" page
8. Under Payment Data Transfer (Optional) click "on"
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
10. Copy the resulting Identity Token and paste it into Coffeecup Web Form Builder Paypal setup.

You're good to go :)

User 2641365 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Please update this information because the number 5 is not on the PayPal list.
User 2641365 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

"Selling online" is not the right one. Is that what you are thinking of "my invoices"?

Here is the picture on my PayPal account.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Not sure what the question was here, but if you are trying to find your Identity Token, then you are in the right area, but your PayPal screen does not show the same as mine. Are you sure you've set up your account correctly to receive payments?
I've attached what my screen looks like and you can see the difference. You need to find 'Website Preferences' and click the update button. Then . . .set Auto Return to ON, set return URL, Set Payment Data Transfer to ON, record your Identity token.

After filling in this screen your Identity Token will be shown.

Let us know if you still need help.
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User 2641365 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

That is strange. It is not on the list. It does make a big difference for you to show me your attachment. Thank you!

Do I need to put a tax ID number in order to access the Website preferences? If the answer is yes, then I will have to ask my client for her PayPal account. I don't have one on my PayPal account this time.

Actually, I need to test her webpage to make sure that it connects to the PayPal. That's all. What should I explain it to her about the PayPal Identify Token on my Web Form Builder?
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

Try putting in a SS number.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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User 2641365 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Okay. On her cellphone, she told me to hold my horse until tonight or tomorrow. She is having a business show at the fair today.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

She should setup the account and give you the token.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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