Release of Full version? - Post ID...

User 2205959 Photo

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I bought the megapack a few weeks ago to acces Form Builder. At that time, it was said the full version would be available in a couple of weeks.

Are we any nearer the full release date yet because I want to be able to create quite a number of forms for different clients and the limit of only one form on something called sdrive is too restrictive for me. I'm not sure if that's because it's 'In Beta'.

I'm not really sure what sform does so the sooner I can publish more forms can't come too soon.

Anyone know when the full version will be available?

User 122279 Photo

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The 'lite' version is still the only one, but it is being improved weekly - at least - and the full version is just around the corner.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 1881687 Photo

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The corner is near?


I am waiting with great anxiety because I really need this to start my project on November 15 ...


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