This is where I jump ship - Post ID...

User 2614236 Photo

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141 posts

Sorry nice to have been part of the coffee cup experience over the years but when I bought this Web Form Builder software it was a life time product. Now I am having to pay to get updates. Well, that isn't happening. Sorry goes against a life time product.
Wish you all well but I will revert back to Wordpress now
User 122279 Photo

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You are of course free to decide what programs you want to use, but you need to be aware, that when you bought the WFB in 2017, the 'free update for life' was for the previous 'Classic Flash Form Builder', not for the one you bought. The valid license after the Classic one had been discontinued, is that you buy a program which you own for life. It includes one year of updates. When the year expires, you still own the program and can use it, but you pay a subscription fee for further updates. This has been announced several times in newsletters and in this forum.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 506998 Photo

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I'm jumping ship too. And I paid for the update yesterday... which doesn't fix the bug that brought my form to a screeching halt a few days ago and offers no new features - in fact it no longer functions with a custom script that I was using to give me a totals box. I was even stupid enough to purchase Form Designer, which is unnecessary bloatware and only works with Form Builder if you cut and paste code. Thankfully I have another solution and just had a couple of complex, older forms built by Form Builder that I just didn't feel like rebuilding, but it's time.
User 506998 Photo

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Well for crapping out loud. I'm wrong. It does work. The update - just announced yesterday - seems to have fixed my problems. I had created the form in a test folder and I didn't figure I'd need to clear my browser cache for any reason but... when I did, my custom script is working again and it is now saving to the mysql database without errors. Apologies.. it's been a rough day with a client needing to get students enrolled as she is trying to make a living during a pandemic and I'm working for her for free because she can't afford me during this rough spell.

PS: Wish your forum let you edit several days past the post date. Many forums do.
User 2614236 Photo

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141 posts

Cheers Inger. No more subscriptions for me. Wish you all well but I have not and will not be renewing anymore software subscriptions.
Enjoyed my time with coffee cup but decided Wordpress is easier and now more versatile if you use a good theme.
User 2793720 Photo

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I thought I’d travelled back in time when I saw this update, I thought form designer was replacing the builder so bought that but now it’s back to this... No more subscriptions from me I’m afraid. I might have done if I hadn’t had all the bum steers over the years that caused me to waste money on so many dead ends because I genuinely like the web form builder, email designer and web designer but I feel all the other products just felt like a rip off:

Animation studio
Bootstrap builder
Button builder
Form designer
Foundation framer
Image mapper
Responsive content slider

I’m sure there was a menu builder

So many different directions when 3 products would have done it. And when they work they are really good they just need some quality control. I thought in the old days of lifetime licences that buying all these other experiments was supporting you since I wasn’t paying for updates now it turns out I have to pay for updates, and there doesn’t seem to be much of substance in any of the updates either.

User 2287960 Photo

580 posts

I've just bought the update at a good price, thank you.


User 1222433 Photo

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I have to agree, I cant believe the update is so expensive, covid has brought out not only the best in people but the worse too....
User 2088758 Photo

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Not sure if you ever had to develop any applications before but they do cost a lot. You also have to realize that all those little "experiments" with different applications helped Site Designer become what it is today. I commend CC for keeping costs low when it comes to software upgrades. If you don't think the upgrade is worth it you can continue to use the version you are on, we are very fortunate that this is allowed as most companies force you to update.

In my honest opinion I think Coffeecups biggest mistake was not including the scripts in Form Designer. It is very misleading to the average user especially the ones that have been using Web Form Builder for many years. That being said Form Designer is amazing and the level of customization is outstanding. I would totally make the switch over if the back end scripting was included.
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