Possible Quirk? - Post ID 160758

User 72973 Photo

97 posts

I found something that may be a quirk in the system, and apologise if it has been mentioned before. I first set the redirects to if browser is Mobile Safari (iPhone) and OS is iPhone (to cover third party browsers), then saved and uploaded to server. I tested with my iPhone and redirects worked perfect (although my PC Site button on the mobile site is now useless .. LOL). Next I reopened the Server Config and blocked the bad robots & etc., and clicked the redirect tab to glance but made no changes there. I saved then uploaded to site but when I tested the redirect no longer worked. That is when I noticed that every time I open the Redirect Tab, the selected OS defaults back to Windows from iPhone as in the attached screenshot. Not a big deal if you are expecting it and/or paying attention, but I thought I would mention it anyway.
Robert Bruce
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

One issue I see right away is you are using AND instead of OR. You are saying that this visitor must be on an iPhone AND their OS is Windows.
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User 72973 Photo

97 posts

The screenshot was showing what it defaulted to. I had initially set it to iPhone OS but every time I close and reopen the redirect tab it defaults back to Windows. I just felt it should stay on what you set it to.

I set it to be using Safari (iPhone) AND be using iPhone OS so that 3rd party browsers on the iPhone would not be redirected. I realize that just the Safari (iPhone) redirect would do that, but the second variable, OS option was so that my testing (playing/learning) using Safari on the PC in iPhone emulation mode would not get automatically redirected since the OS would be Win 7. Am I making sense now?
Robert Bruce

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