Adding a shopping cart with item info...

User 457589 Photo

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133 posts

I am planning a new website, and need an online store. I would like for the main website pages to show a shopping cart icon at the top with the number of items inside the cart. CC has something like this at the top of all their pages. A lot of stores have one, like,

Does anyone know how this is done?

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

That is something you choose with the type of theme setup. I believe you'll need to use Shopping Cart Creator Pro and Shopping Cart Designer Pro to get the needed features for what you want.
User 539803 Photo

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In the cart set up, under shop> General , there is an option for what to do after adding a product to the cart

Select continue shopping, some of the templates will use this to create that cart display
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
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User 457589 Photo

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133 posts

I need to be able to go back and forth to the main website from the shopping cart and not just stay in the store and continue shopping. Here is an example of a home page with the "view cart" I am interested in:

User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

The way SCCP is designed, if you use only the maximum of 5 integral pages + the shopping cart, i think that will work

Might want to put in a support ticket to check that though

My own personal website has about 40 pages built with VSD, i dont use any of the 5 integral SCCP pages apart from the one compulsory one.

I doubt with my lack of html knowledge i could code anything to give the result you are looking for, so i think the question which needs answering

How many pages do you need, just the 5 integral OR more made by an alternative program

answering this question may get you a better response from a coder, ie ERIC ;)

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

What you're after is theme based Amy, which is what I said in my first post. It depends on what theme you use as to if this feature shows up in the page.

You can't integrate an external website and the shop into one thing unless you build the pages in the Shopping Cart Creator programs. If you want to have a separate website outside of the shop you'll need to add the Shop link to your website menu, and then go into the settings of the Shopping Cart Creator and setup the URL for the home page to go to the external site. That's as close to integrating an external site and a CC shop as you'll get.

Other than that, check out the themes and you'll see which ones have that view cart option on them.
User 457589 Photo

Registered User
133 posts

The website I need the cart for is almost finished, so I was hoping I could just integrate the SCCP cart. I'll look through the themes and see what I can figure out. Thanks for all the great information :)
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Sounds good, and when you want to integrate them just go into the settings of SCCP in the Shop Tools and setup the Home Page settings so it goes to a URL (I think it's the bottom setting) and set that URL to your main site's home page. Then you'll have a Home and a Shop Home on the Shop's menu (you can change the Shop Home to Shop Here or Shop Now or whatever you want). Then on your main site's menu change it to have a link to the Shop on it also and you'll be done for the most part. That's the only way you can integrate so it's pretty simple to do. The main thing is having both items on each other's menu so your visitors can go back and forth from main to shop and back etc.

For the themes:

Go to the CoffeeCup Theme store for Shopping Cart Themes:

On there click any of the themes and it will open the nice window to view the larger images. Bottom right corner you'll see left and right arrows to browse the ones on that page. Check the top corners for the text that says something similar to: "There are no items in your cart".

If you see that, you'll have the type of theme you're looking for. I haven't looked in the Designer Pro, may be something you will want to check out, to see if there is a feature that you can add this in yourself. I have to take off here for a while, but if I get a chance I'll see if I can find anything in the program on it to see if it's a feature or not and I'll post on it to let you know what I find.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ok I had a few extra minutes to spare and this is what I tried, I will assume it will work with pretty much any theme:

First off there are a few themes included with the Designer program that already have that feature, check those out if you want to use any of those. Then what I tried was to:

1. Start with a Blank template of the ones already included in the designer programs. They don't have this feature on default.

2. Change to the Cart Summary Properies on the drop down menu top right (after you have loaded a theme or blank layout).

3. Click the Advanced tab in the settings on right side.

4. Uncheck the Hide Cart Summary box on the top of that section.

You should now see the cart summary on the visual part of the program. You "may" be able to substitute a button or something if you feel it's necessary, but I don't think it's really that important as long as people know what it is which it's pretty easily discernible that it's a view cart setup.

Hope that helps and good luck!

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