Can I CoffeeCup on a droid tablet? -...

User 2193632 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Okay, I know I'm probably in the wrong forum, but I have a lot of CoffeeCup software because it simply rocks and I can USE it without getting a migraine... and I have no idea which program forum to choose.

So here is my question with begging for forgiveness if I'm in the wrong place.

Can I use my CoffeeCup programs on an Android 4.0 tablet?

In 1845 a message sent by President James K. Polk took six months to get to California. Aren't you glad for the Internet?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Pama,

I would guess that answer to be no unless your android tablet allows for installation of Windows based programs rather than apps. There aren't any app type software setups for CC at this time, who knows, it could happen lol. Hope that answers your question and welcome to the forums :)
User 2193632 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Hi Jo Ann, Thanks for the help.

Hey, I'm about to become a GREAT Grandma! Congrats on the new smiling face.
In 1845 a message sent by President James K. Polk took six months to get to California. Aren't you glad for the Internet?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Thanks very much and congrats to you too!
User 2161343 Photo

Registered User
76 posts

Hey Pama,

There may be another way. At my last job I used a built-in Windows protocol called RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to run my work PC from my home PC. It was as though I was sitting at my desk - I could do anything!

There are apps that will let you use your Android tablet to do that same thing. I have not tried any myself, but I took a quick look at Google Play and here is one that gets good reviews and that sounds promising: … tcloudfree

There's a free one and a $14.99 'pro' option (more features). There are a lot of competing apps as well.

(Note: the app uses a "Touch Pointer [with] high accuracy screen control". Myself, I'd likely use my Motorola Xoom's external keyboard, because you no doubt know how much screen space the pop-up keyboard uses. It gets in the way!)

If you decide to try a remote-client app, please let us know how it works. I'd bet a lot of us would like to be able to run our CC software while on the go. ;)
User 2287960 Photo

580 posts


Thanks for that just what I was looking for. Up and running on Samsung Tab.


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