Change background daily..... - Post...

User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

I have been using some javascript to change an image on a website daily. I am in the process of tinkering with the idea of having a background image change daily. Is it possible within VSD? The code I am presently using is:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var imlocation = "Images/";
function ImageArray (n) {
this.length = n;
for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) {
this[i] = ' '
image = new ImageArray(7);
image[0] = 'sunday.PNG';
image[1] = 'monday.PNG';
image[2] = 'tuesday.PNG';
image[3] = 'wednesday.PNG';
image[4] = 'thursday.PNG';
image[5] = 'friday.PNG';
image[6] = 'saturday.PNG';
var currentdate = new Date();
var imagenumber = currentdate.getDay();
document.write('<img src="' + imlocation + image[imagenumber] + '">');

Could changes to this script be applicable to background images, and if so, what changes need to be made? Any input is surely appreciated.

Booth Kates


User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

You might be able to do something with this ... CST&&n=1

Bottom line, if you google "background image rotation" then you will get all sorts of info. I just love Google! :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Gunsmoke.......thanks for taking the time to respond......I have googled (is that a proper verb?) all sorts of word combinations regarding this. Unfortunately, most involve changing the bg color or image every few seconds or on re-load of the page. I don't want that much activity. A simple once a day change will suffice. I was hoping to tinker with the current script to create what I want. In its present configuration, it works perfectly on a site now. I am also concerned about how a script involving a daily bg change might conflict with the "built-in" process that VSD provides. How could that be overcome? Thanks again for your time.
Booth Kates


User 2484360 Photo

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3,293 posts

User 495282 Photo

Registered User
132 posts

Thanks, Adam.....Saw this script a couple of days ago......was a le intimidated by the "Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscapel" message. But it sees to be closer to a solution. I'm going to give it a try. If it works, I'll contact the content provider before using in a public domain.
Booth Kates


User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

I haven't tried it but this should work. Put it where your images show up. Unfortunately it's old style Javascript, but still.

<script language=javascript>

newday=new Date();

var numberofimages = 7;
images = new Array(numberofimages+1);
images[0] = "<img src='Mon.jpg'>";
images[1] = "<img src='Tue.jpg'>";
images[2] = "<img src='Wed.jpg'>";
images[3] = "<img src='Thu.jpg'>";
images[4] = "<img src='Fri.jpg'>";
images[5] = "<img src='Sat.jpg'>";
images[6] = "<img src='Sun.jpg'>";



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