Copyright? - Post ID 200860

User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a website and had a question about copyright. I found a website which I really liked and I wanted to make a similar one and of course not exactly like the one I seen, am I allowed to do this?

I thought it was very nice and seen a lot of different things that I could make better. I am not using the same font or am I copying anything directly from the website. Thanks!
Carlos Regueira -

User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Found an article with my answer. Since I am creating the web page from scratch myself I guess I am good. - … yright.htm
Carlos Regueira -

User 122279 Photo

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Copying the layout of a site we like, changing the colours, text, pictures and other contents, isn't that how we all started learning this business? ;)

Go ahead, Carlos!
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 459401 Photo

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In the past past I have asked the owner for permission. I wasnt in the same state and not in direct competition so they were ok with it.
User 38401 Photo

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Bout the only time I think you really "should" ask permission is if you're taking an image, photo or background etc that someone is using on their site. Could be they have them copyrighted and created them on their own rather than using someone elses so you could be stealing their property in a sense. Same for slogans etc. that are unique to a type of site. Structure is all open for business though, you cannot copyright website structure... yet! Let's hope that's never a copyright issue in the future either! :P

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