Creating two Javascript Coundown!! -...

User 51909 Photo

Registered User
3,694 posts

Janys, in Privacy, it asks these three question. I have ticked option one and submitted the changes. It also says that this will allow users to see the email address. I have looked for an option to Log Out so I could check this, but seem not to be able to see one. When you are logged in, it does not show your details as it does to others viewing your profile.

Display your e-mail address.

Hide your e-mail address but allow form e-mail.

Hide your e-mail address and disallow form e-mail.

OK, OK, I have just found where to Log Out and it still does not show email. There does not seem any options to show the email address apart from that which I have already chosen. So apart from using an Email Form on a private web page, I am not sure how to sort this one out.
Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


I already have a Canadian 5 dollar bill. Because a handicap boy scout troop went to Niagera Falls in October of 2005. Cananda does not have paper money below 5 dollars. Did you know that. Only coins below 5 dollars. I won a lottery rub off card. 10 Canadian dollars. That 5 Canadian dollar is hanging on my door! It is a nice new 5 dollar bill. It is pretty cool money! I also got wet on the Maid of the Mist boat ride with my group. I also like the WWE store that was walking distance.

Okay! Down to business!!!

The counter on my site is a realtime countdown counter. Using image numbers to countdown. It only allow me to create one. I thought if I put two of the same countdown counter javascript into the same page. There would be two. But it did not work. I want the same counter to count down for two Multiple Sclerosis bike tours I do every year. To countdown for each tour that is coming up. I ride to help raise money for Multiple Sclerosis twice a year here in New Jersey, USA.

Throwing it out to the crowd. I also had the chance to carry the 2002 olympic torch on December 23, 2001 in Staten Island, NY for the 2002 Winter Olympic Torch Relay.

MARK >>> Take off your email address! I got it!!!

Have a great weekend Janys and Mark!!
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mike Mike wrote:

I already have a Canadian 5 dollar bill. Because a handicap boy scout troop went to Niagera Falls in October of 2005. Cananda does not have paper money below 5 dollars. Did you know that. Only coins below 5 dollars. I won a lottery rub off card. 10 Canadian dollars. That 5 Canadian dollar is hanging on my door! It is a nice new 5 dollar bill. It is pretty cool money! I also got wet on the Maid of the Mist boat ride with my group. I also like the WWE store that was walking distance.

Okay! Down to business!!!

The counter on my site is a realtime countdown counter. Using image numbers to countdown. It only allow me to create one. I thought if I put two of the same countdown counter javascript into the same page. There would be two. But it did not work. I want the same counter to count down for two Multiple Sclerosis bike tours I do every year. To countdown for each tour that is coming up. I ride to help raise money for Multiple Sclerosis twice a year here in New Jersey, USA.

Throwing it out to the crowd. I also had the chance to carry the 2002 olympic torch on December 23, 2001 in Staten Island, NY for the 2002 Winter Olympic Torch Relay.

MARK >>> Take off your email address! I got it!!!

Have a great weekend Janys and Mark!!

Don't forget to contact me through the About us at top of page though Mike...........otherwise where do I send the paper to?!!
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


The About Us link here in CoffeeCup. You are not in there. Your not one of the employees. I only see Nick Scott, Jen, Sue and so on in the About Us page.

I will say this again.

I want the same two exact javascript realtime countdown counter. I have no plans to show the new look of the website I am biulding. SMILE!!! Without it conflicting each other. Can it be done.

Do not want two different countdown counter.

I train almost everyday for the up-coming bike tour for Multiple Sclerosis.

Time to rest awhile. bye bye!! Will check back later.
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 4539 Photo

Registered User
540 posts

It looks like the Advisors have been wiped off the face of the earth! (We must have outlived our usefulness!) :)
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


Here is the javascript for the digital countdown.

Try it out. But the only bad news is this . . . . . it would need number imag for you to see it work.

I did try again before posting and almost worked. Got two countdown up, but only one was counting down and the other was stuck at number zero.

Here is the code....


Script Name: Digital Countdown

Website URL: … tdown.html

Description: Countdown from any date in digital numbers. Displays days, hours, minutes, and seconds while updating every second. A must see!



1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->



<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin

//Created by DendE PhisH

function getTime() {
c1 = new Image(); c1.src = "1c.gif";
c2 = new Image(); c2.src = "2c.gif";
c3 = new Image(); c3.src = "3c.gif";
c4 = new Image(); c4.src = "4c.gif";
c5 = new Image(); c5.src = "5c.gif";
c6 = new Image(); c6.src = "6c.gif";
c7 = new Image(); c7.src = "7c.gif";
c8 = new Image(); c8.src = "8c.gif";
c9 = new Image(); c9.src = "9c.gif";
c0 = new Image(); c0.src = "0c.gif";
Cc = new Image(); Cc.src = "Cc.gif";
now = new Date();

later = new Date("Jan 1 2004 0:00:01");

days = (later - now) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
daysRound = Math.floor(days);
hours = (later - now) / 1000 / 60 / 60 - (24 * daysRound);
hoursRound = Math.floor(hours);
minutes = (later - now) / 1000 /60 - (24 * 60 * daysRound) - (60 * hoursRound);
minutesRound = Math.floor(minutes);
seconds = (later - now) / 1000 - (24 * 60 * 60 * daysRound) - (60 * 60 * hoursRound) - (60 * minutesRound);
secondsRound = Math.round(seconds);

if (secondsRound <= 9) {
document.images.g.src = c0.src;
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+secondsRound+".src");
else {
document.images.g.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(secondsRound/10)+".src");
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+(secondsRound%10)+".src");
if (minutesRound <= 9) {
document.images.d.src = c0.src;
document.images.e.src = eval("c"+minutesRound+".src");
else {
document.images.d.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(minutesRound/10)+".src");
document.images.e.src = eval("c"+(minutesRound%10)+".src");
if (hoursRound <= 9) {
document.images.y.src = c0.src;
document.images.z.src = eval("c"+hoursRound+".src");
else {
document.images.y.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(hoursRound/10)+".src");
document.images.z.src = eval("c"+(hoursRound%10)+".src");
if (daysRound <= 9) {
document.images.x.src = c0.src;
document.images.a.src = c0.src;
document.images.b.src = eval("c"+daysRound+".src");
if (daysRound <= 99) {
document.images.x.src = c0.src;
document.images.a.src = eval("c"+Math.floor((daysRound/10)%10)+".src");
document.images.b.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(daysRound%10)+".src");
if (daysRound <= 999){
document.images.x.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(daysRound/100)+".src");
document.images.a.src = eval("c"+Math.floor((daysRound/10)%10)+".src");
document.images.b.src = eval("c"+Math.floor(daysRound%10)+".src");
newtime = window.setTimeout("getTime();", 1000);
// End -->


<!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag -->

<BODY onLoad="getTime()">

<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<div align="center">
<h3>Countdown to New Years (2004)</h3>

<table><tr><td bgcolor="black" valign="bottom">
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=x>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=a>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=b>
<img height=21 src="Cc.gif" width=9 name=c>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=y>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=z>
<img height=21 src="Cc.gif" width=9 name=cz>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=d>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=e>
<img height=21 src="Cc.gif" width=9 name=f>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=g>
<img height=21 src="0c.gif" width=16 name=h>

<div align="center">
<h4>(Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds)</h4>

<font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href="">The JavaScript Source</a></font>

<!-- Script Size: 4.12 KB -->

> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mike Mike wrote:

The About Us link here in CoffeeCup. You are not in there. Your not one of the employees. I only see Nick Scott, Jen, Sue and so on in the About Us page.

I will say this again.

I want the same two exact javascript realtime countdown counter. I have no plans to show the new look of the website I am biulding. SMILE!!! Without it conflicting each other. Can it be done.

Do not want two different countdown counter.

I train almost everyday for the up-coming bike tour for Multiple Sclerosis.

Time to rest awhile. bye bye!! Will check back later.

Hi Mike,
I realise now that I didn't make it very clear HOW to contact me through that am not an employee, so once you get on the ABOUT US page, you have to look for the button ASK OUR USERS ABOUT US.............and you will find me listed there. Sorry if that was misleading!
User 51909 Photo

Registered User
3,694 posts

I have been playing with this for about an hour now and can't figure out how to get the same script to function twice on the same page. All I could do and suggest is using two different scripts. This works fine. However, I will endevour to play a bit more and see if I can get this to work.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mark Searson wrote:
I have been playing with this for about an hour now and can't figure out how to get the same script to function twice on the same page. All I could do and suggest is using two different scripts. This works fine. However, I will endevour to play a bit more and see if I can get this to work.


If you go into the I believe there is something about putting several scripts on one page. Certainly there is in the book of the same name.
User 51909 Photo

Registered User
3,694 posts


I have actually had a look, however, the variables of the script do not seem to work with their suggestions.

It should work with this <BODY onLoad="getTime();getTime2">

But it don't

Mark Loves CoffeeCup

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