Creating two Javascript Coundown!! -...

User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


I did try <body onload="getTime() getTime2()">

I even tried changing all the letter. Example....

if (secondsRound <= 9) {
document.images.g.src = c0.src;
document.images.h.src = eval("c"+secondsRound+".src");


if (secondsRound <= 9) {
document.images.t.src = c0.src;
document.images.s.src = eval("c"+secondsRound+".src");

And where so on. That did not realy work either.

Have you heard of this didigtal countdown before Mark.

Ambassador Program day is today!!!
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 51909 Photo

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3,694 posts

I have tried similar combinations with this script. To no avail. However, I have not yet given up.

Yep, It is today!

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


You have been playing with the digital counter all this time. Have you gone to bed yet. SMILE YAWN!!

In a tiny bit. I will be cycle training. I have a bike tour to train for.

Will try on my end later today. Will try again with the digital countdown.
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 51909 Photo

Registered User
3,694 posts

I have to admitdefeat on this one. I just can not do it. The problem with using the same script twice is that there is lots for the script to get confused about. You could try and change very aspect of the script, so in affect there are actually two different scripts, however, you may as well just use two ready made scripts, it would be easier.

The other way this could be done is by having just one script used twice in different way with a variable input. Its a bit like saying 'Yelling' and 'Shouting'. Same thing but completely different.

I even went onto a forum and asked some members there. They came up with this and that, but basically all said get rid of the images and use two different scripts for ease and implementation.

So, I give up. At least I tried.

Mark Loves CoffeeCup
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


Janys . . . Did you get my message I sent when I went into Ask About Us.

Mark . . . You tried. Thanks for trying on the digital countdown code. Relax and have a juice on me. SMILE!!!

I will have to search for another digital countdown with different codes. The digital countdown that uses image numbers.

My new secret website is also going to use the CC RSS news. My site will not be public till it is fully 100% done. Only certain people I know is being my testers of the new website. Will not be up and running till maybe the month of May. Janys is now one of them! (Mike whistles and rolls eyes up)
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mike Mike wrote:

Janys . . . Did you get my message I sent when I went into Ask About Us.

Mark . . . You tried. Thanks for trying on the digital countdown code. Relax and have a juice on me. SMILE!!!

I will have to search for another digital countdown with different codes. The digital countdown that uses image numbers.

My new secret website is also going to use the CC RSS news. My site will not be public till it is fully 100% done. Only certain people I know is being my testers of the new website. Will not be up and running till maybe the month of May. Janys is now one of them! (Mike whistles and rolls eyes up)

Hi Mike............
I am honoured...........that deserves 2 newspapers!! I'll get them on their way in a couple of days, along with some small change. Look out for the difference in the Euro coins between the different countries. They are all the same on one side, but each country has their own image on the other .....
Take care,
User 142965 Photo

2,420 posts


It is right now 3:19pm east coast of USA on April 11, 2006.

I sent you message through About Us. Check it out!!! Hope to get mail from you as instructed!!!
> CoffeeCup Ambassador
> 2002 Olympic Torchbearer
> Multiple Sclerosis Cyclist 1990 to 2015
> Eagle Scout 2008
< < < > > >
Smile Always !!

Direct link to donate towards my ride in Multiple Sclerosis bike tour......

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