How to publish my website? - Post ID...

User 2175733 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I am new to coffeecup visual designer and i don't know how to publish my site to the web... Could someone please give me a step by step tutorial on how to do this....

User 122279 Photo

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14,592 posts

You find the publishing steps on page 14 of the Help pdf in VSD.

Before you can publish your site you need to have a domain at some hosting provider, from which you get the ID and password to use when logging on their server.
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Inger, Norway

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User 2175733 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

ok thanks... where can i purchase this domain name? what is the best host to use?
User 2152981 Photo

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96 posts

With Publishing I also found that Filezilla works Wonders! So i make my webpage with VSD then safe em to a specific folder and send em off to my site using Filezilla.

and as far as domain names you'll have to buy one from a provider I use
but from reading some other peoples posts there are quite a few others that you can look at. When in doubt just Google it! lol
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User 2175733 Photo

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thanks a million.... and sorry for asking but
how do i use firezilla to upload it to my site?
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I wouldn't suggest the filezilla setup if you're new to all of this. It's always best to publish using the CC program you are using (in this case being VSD) itself unless you have some issues you cannot resolve doing it that way. The reason is so that you don't end up forgetting something or missing something important for your site. This can be said with most of CC's programs as most of them have built in upload features which always make sure it uploads everything to the right places etc.
User 2152981 Photo

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96 posts

Yea i probably would us CC's programs. The only reason i used filezilla was cause i already ahd it on my pc and was to lazy to download the other. But come to think of it doesn't VSD have a publishing thing in it itself lol? Anyway connection with filezilla or CCs program its all the same i think. You put in your host name then your port number (its usually 21 from what I've been told) and then put in your username and password and hit publish or send or whatever it is.

1. Host name
2. Port Number
3. User name/ Account name
4. your super duper top secretive password

as easy as 1,2,3......4 lol
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User 2175733 Photo

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thanks.. everything is working so far...

sorry for all the questions.
User 2152981 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

No problem buddy. I'm new myself lol. I had t ask alot of questions from Jo Ann at first and from a bunch of people. I just got mine up last night but if u need anything bud everyone on these forums are friendly and all willing to help.
Cant figure something out? Just Google it!
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User 38401 Photo

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Kendrick Hardin wrote:
But come to think of it doesn't VSD have a publishing thing in it itself lol?

Umm... that's what I was talking about lol. Almost every program by CC has it's own built in upload system, but the major ones like VSD, Shopping Cart Creator and such should take advantage of using it instead of outside FTP programs. There are a lot of files that can get messed up or forgotten, or not uploaded to the correct spots etc. when not using the in program upload system. VSD is not quite as detrimental if you have a clear idea of what you're doing with FTP and VSD, but it is always best to use the VSD upload system anyways just to be sure all goes in correctly. :)

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